Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Dionitis, A Fatal Disease.

I'm afraid that dionitis has become a fatal disease. It starts by feelings of life "not being fair" and slowly starts to impact your ability to lead a party of Puffins to cover up your excrement.

Suddenly excrement is showing up all over the barnyard. You can only cover it up if you are in power. When not in power, the stench leads other Puffins to your nest. They then lay one egg, but it's a big one, Dionitis! Unable to hide this huge egg, the Puffin leader, lays the blame on party members. If that doesn't work, the final stage of Dionitis sets in, and Puffins start to leave the nest.

Once the Exodus begins, there is no stopping it. It's like lemmings jumping off cliffs to their deaths. Slow to start, but harder to stop.

The final stage of Dionitis, is a slow lingering death in opposition, with no way for your fellow Puffins to get rid of the disease. That one egg laid a year can't be hatched, because Puffins are unable to co-habitat together anymore. Mrs. Puffin gets an abortion, and so goes the future of the Puffin Party.

It's a sad, slow, lingering death, the Puffins go down fighting, but in the end, they slew themselves.

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