Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Let Freedom Ring, Or Not!

So far, in Canada, the National Post has published articles in support of Ezra, no other national paper seems to be interested in letting freedom ring. Some good articles are appearing in the US and Australia, proving that this is an issue that affects more than just Canadians. It is up to Canadians, in anyway they can, to keep this issue alive.

Mark Steyn Is Not Alone

Award-winning author Mark Steyn has been summoned to appear before two Canadian Human Rights Commissions on vague allegations of "subject[ing] Canadian Muslims to hatred and contempt" and being "flagrantly Islamophobic" after Maclean's magazine published an excerpt from his book, America Alone.

The public inquisition of Steyn has triggered outrage among Canadians and Americans who value free speech, but it should not come as a surprise. Steyn's predicament is just the latest salvo in a campaign of legal actions designed to punish and silence the voices of anyone who speaks out against Islamism, Islamic terrorism, or its sources of financing.

Too many rights make a wrong

CANADA: It was one of those rare, particularly sunny days in Vancouver in September when, addressing an audience at the University of British Columbia, I suggested that multiculturalism and its partner in crime, moral relativism, were leading to the demise of Western values.

"But you must understand," implored a well-intentioned woman in the audience, "multiculturalism is Canada's gift to the world."

If Australia is set to follow Canada, then thanks, but no thanks. Call me ungrateful, but we should have returned the gift to Canada long ago. I say that as someone who has long adored Canada. Its politics may be as dripping wet as Vancouver, but the people are warm and funny, and there is something sweet about the US's insecure, slightly wimpy northern neighbour. Yet there comes a point when weakness morphs into a reckless death wish.

That point is about now. I'm back in Canada and the distinct chill is not just in the air. Last Friday, conservative commentator Ezra Levant was hauled before Alberta's Human Rights and Citizenship Commission for publishing the infamous Danish Mohammed cartoons two years ago in the Western Standard.

Syed Soharwardy, the head of Canada's Islamic Supreme Council, complained that Levant had incited hate against Muslims.

Interesting that people outside of Canada, are more concerned than Canadians seem to be about our freedom of speech. I think by tackling Steyn, the HRC's have bitten off more than they can chew. It's kind of like digging in the garden, and finding slugs, not a pleasant experience. Do you cover them back up, or expose them to the light?

When will we rally to "Let Freedom Ring" across our country?

1 comment:

Joanne (True Blue) said...

This is great. Other countries are ridiculing us. Nothing the lefties hate more than that!

Nice catch!!