Monday, January 08, 2007

What Is The Purpose Of A Blog?

Lately it seems to me that blogs are losing the original purpose I thought they had, or I'm doing this blogging thing all wrong.

I thought a blog is like a daily journal, you write in it about what concerns you, you express your feelings about what is happening, what is ticking you off, or making you laugh.

Now, it seems that you must quote a news article and then wait for your cyber friends to comment. Or you find a blog you disagree with and slag it, or you try to make news by getting a "scoop". The MSM is still driving blogs, not the other way around, blogs are not making the news, they are reacting to the news.

So, is the original idea of blogs changing, or am I just wrong about the purpose of blogs? Blogs seem to be getting less about personal feelings and thoughts, and more about taking a news story and picking it apart.

Blogs should be more personal, not less, they should give you a feeling about the person writing it, a sense of who they are, what concerns them, why they feel the way they do about an issue. Sure quote an article if it helps your argument, but don't just link to the article without any comment, that doesn't give anyone a feel for whether you agree with the issue or not.

Blogs are great, I read them more than I do the media, but when everyone is blogging about the same article, it gets repetitive.

Original thought.....where is it on blogs anymore?

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