Monday, February 12, 2007

SOW's Muddy Up The Trough!

Well, the SOW MP's are at it again, not a word in the MSM about their discrimination though, that would be unfair to the piglets.


The Committee selected the groups which were to testify before it. The score: 27 groups who opposed the cuts and a total of only 3 groups who supported the cuts, including REAL Women of Canada. Although REAL Women has extensive background knowledge about Status of Women funding, we didn't even make the initial selection. Only after extensive pressure was the Committee prepared to hear our views on the subject.

Well, there you go folks, fairness SOW style!

Those little piglets need to go to market next election, frankly, they are embarassing and doing nothing to actually help women in need.

Get out of the trough piglets, your hooves are standing on women who really need your help.

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