Saturday, August 26, 2006

Israel Is An Island Amongst Enemies!

I am really sorry for Israel, they are an island of democracy, surrounded by enemies. The world is not supporting them, the EU is barely sending any troops, and Israel is asking us for help.

This article, makes me sad. Israel is asking for help but noone is listening.

I thought Turkey did a great job of helping Canada with all our Lebanese/Canadians that needed to be evacuated. They stepped up and did a grand job. Now, I hope they step up again, because I think Israel needs them, not just EU supporters.

I think some Muslim countries need to show their willingness to fight for peace. They need to realize that Iran, is getting out of hand, and the whole middle east might erupt. If Turkey sends some troops to the UN in Lebanon, it would help.

The problem for Israel, is not only that they are an island, it's that they are being looked on again by leftists as prey. We saw that with our own politicians this week when Liberals, Bloq, and NDP MP's called for hezbollah to be recognized in some shape or form. I know that I saw both Bloc (leader) and Liberal MP's marching in Montreal for the hezbollah. I'm sorry, but that is just sickening. They do not care about the civilians that got killed, they were trying to make political gains!

So, who will stand up for democracy, PM Stephen Harper has, clearly, but all the media does is distort one comment he made about "measured" response, hours into the war. They think we are stupid, make no mistake about that, they think we believe what they say, because, well, well, they are the media. But, blogs are slowly taking over the strangle hold the media has had on us. We are not blind anymore.

Best of all, is that our children, are more likely to read a blog than a newspaper. I know, I make sure my kids read my blog!!!!

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