Saturday, October 14, 2006

Common Sense, Where Did It Go??

The middle income family is disappearing as fast as common sense. I am a firm believer that if we used some common sense for issues, our world would be a much happier place! This is where Conservatives excel, and lefties just don't get it.

Smoking: A perfectly legal pasttime, but now banned from virtually all public places. Common sense says, that a bar should be able to choose to allow smoking?? NO!! Why not?? Second hand smoke. But, what if everyone who works there and goes there smokes?? NO!!! Why?? I don't know but who's smoking that marijuana, give me a hit! (Is that what you say, I'm really out of that loop)

Peanuts: Banned at all ball games here, why, one kid who likes to go to games occasionally, is allergic. Common sense says, make a no peanut section. But, NO, ban all peanuts. Same with schools, no more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, even if there are NO kids with peanut allergies in the school!

Abortion: Common sense says, you won't make all people happy, but you should at least have a cutoff point (say 20 weeks) where they absolutely can not be performed. But, NO, we can not mess with a woman's right to choose, even if it means as long as one leg is still in the Mom, the head can be crushed.

SSM: Common sense says, give gays all the same rights as married people, but call it a union. But, NO, let's hijack marriage, because we are just as equal if not more equal than, one man, one woman. Why, because we think so, and so should you, shutup now, you've been told!!

Afghanistan: Common sense says, go in there, blast the bad guys, help rebuild the country, and let Afghanistan people start to look forward to a future. But, NO, let's talk to the terrorists, after all they have the right to behead anyone they want, it's part of their religion!

Okay, guess you get the point. Common sense used to keep the fanatics, of all stripes, in check. Common sense flew out the window when, shrill, special interest, minority groups got funding from the government, so they could dictate to us how we should live, and think!

I want to see a bill in Parliament calling for the return of common sense! While we are at it, we should also ask for morals, respect, and honour to be returned!!

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