Monday, October 09, 2006

Metrosexual VS Real Men!

Okay, I laughed at my husband because he held my purse while I tried on some jeans. He looked very uncomfortable, but he did it for me. I laughingly told him that soon he would be a "metrosexual", he said, "Huh?"

So, what is a metrosexual? Here's a site that might help you. A sampling if want it means:

“Metrosexual (MET.roh.sek.shoo.ul) n. A dandyish narcissist in love with not only himself, but also his urban lifestyle; a straight man who is in touch with his feminine side” (McFedries).

metrosexual: “a young man with money to spend, living in or within easy reach of a metropolis – because that’s where all the best shops, clubs, gyms and hairdressers are. He might be officially gay, straight or bisexual, but this is utterly immaterial because he has clearly taken himself as his own love object and pleasure as his sexual preference”

Okay, I think you get the picture, basically, it's a wimp who will have sex with anyone or anything.

So what do real men think about metrosexuals??

On conservative on-line forums such as Free Republic and Free Dominion, I found discussions, about the metrosexual concept and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, that mirror these traditional masculine norms. The discussion participants took a fiercely negative stand against the metrosexual and countless times I read the word faggot and exclamations like “the queer guy who tries to remake me will have his face rearranged” (Free Republic).

Well, as a female, if I see some guy mincing up to me with his purse, I might rearrange his face, by taking his mascara and lipgloss away!

If my husband ever wanted to wear mascara, or my panties, you can bet that this conservative girl, would straighten him out with a boot in the butt!!

Metrosexuals are pathetic excuses for REAL men. Give me a firefighter, policeman or soldier any day!! Let the feminists go for the metrosexuals, and leave those of us who what to marry, have kids and lead a productive life alone! But, they can't because they want us to be as sick as they are, well I will not fall for their preverted thinking.

I have a very non-metrosexual husband, who cares emotionally for me, and our kids, would never think of cheating on me (I do have a gun, just kidding), with either another female or a male.

It's called family values, and just because you live in a city doesn't mean that you can not respect the family. Metrosexual is just another invented term to allow perverts to get away with having no morals!


Anonymous said...

wow... actually, being a metrosexual has very very little to do with sexuality and much more to do with feeling free to choose to groom yourself well, or to enjoy activities and a lifestyle that would cause those with 'machissimo' to stoop to belittling hate-language such as 'faggot'. for example, frequenting trendy clubs or the opera might fall prey to disgusting remarks from uber-conservative males, but a metrosexual feels fine with who he is and embraces his right to enjoy such things. being a metrosexual does NOT undermine family values. it is NOT perversion of the 'male role', it's more like expansion. and to clarify, 'the feminists' go for whoever the hell the want to, because they know that they deserve as much.

sorry that I happened upon your blog when I was in a feisty mood. hope that you can take the reply.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate that you read my essay about the metrosexual, but using my essay to come to the conclusion that the metrosexual is "a wimp who will have sex with anyone or anything" is not what I intended.

The metrosexual is basically mediated masculinity. So, the backlash you see on television now, going back to very masculine men, is really more of the same metrosexuality. Your husband is not a metrosexual because he doesn't follow the masculinity trends in the media, but the men who do, no matter how masculine the trend might be, are quite frankly metrosexuals all over again.

I have another, shorter, essay on my site. It might explain the concept a bit more:

The Metrosexual is Dead, Long Live the Metrosexual!

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