Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Families In A Fight, For Their Rights!

You know, it really is getting so that families, and family values are frowned on, in our world.

Stay at home Mom's are looked down on, as not contributing to society, because they prefer to raise their own children, as opposed to putting them into institutionalized daycare. The sacrifices their families make, only one salary, in our two salary world, are made to seem selfish, because the woman is wasting her abilities. What ever happened to Motherhood? Mom's should be valued, not sneered at by society.

Marriage, I know there is that whole SSM thing, but even without that issue, marriage is not respected anymore. Marriage is not a life time committment, it's not until death do us part, it's until I'm not "happy" anymore. If you think marriage is not a bond that binds you, that marriage is easy, that you don't have to work at it, and that you can walk away from it anytime you want, well, it's not going to work! Marriage is hard work, but worth it!

Children, the glue of any marriage! You get married, first because you love the person, and think you are happy together, then children arrive, and your life changes, absolutely and forever, happy takes on a whole new meaning! One of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had in my life was to give birth to my two sons! They are our world, work means nothing to me, if my little ones need me. I envy the stay at home Mom's that can be there for their children, all the time.

So, it is very sad to see, feminists degrading stay at home Mom's, divorce and SSM degrading marriage, and schools degrading our children with their teaching.

Families are in a fight, for their rights, and parents better wake up to what is happening in the schools! Once curriculum in schools gets changed, it's just about impossible to get it changed back! So, pay attention parents, your family is being assulted from all angles, by people who have only one goal, to destroy the family!!

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