Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I watched CPAC tonight and the wife of a 9/11 victim, Maureen Basnicki, made an impassioned plea to Liberal leader Dion, to deaf ears. SHAME.

What I noticed was that behind her was an opposition MP, who hung his head in SHAME over what all three opposition parties had just done. He knew he was wrong, but he put his party before Canada. SHAME.

Dion triple whipped his party, wow that's real leadership Dion. SHAME.

Liberals showed with this vote that the Liberal party comes before all else. SHAME.

I watched the votes, what was Bains doing voting on this issue? Conflict of interest anyone? SHAME.

Spin it anyway you want MSM, it's a massive Liberal flip flop that puts Canadians in danger. SHAME.

The NDP are talking about sticking to their principles. It's obvious they have no love of country. SHAME.

The Bloc, is just morally deficient, the only thing they are good for is asking for more money for Quebec. SHAME.

I hope the Liberals are as sick at heart as I am over this, but judging by their voting today, after pleas from 9/11 victims families and Air India families, party trumps country. SHAME.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. I hope that this will become a huge issue in the next election! The position of the opposition doesn't even make sense! Where are their heads!

By the way, I love your blog and check it often.

hunter said...

Well thank you so much paulie, I often wonder why I keep it up, you just made my day brighter.