Tuesday, June 08, 2010

An Open Letter To Helen Thomas

This is a must read, An Open Letter To Helen Thomas. It presents the Jewish side of the argument that the MSM is refusing to report.

Dear Ms. Thomas, I read on numerous Web sites the remarks attributed to you (and I did not see any denial) that we, the Jews must “get the hell out of Palestine” and “go home” to Germany or Poland. I am convinced that you are aware of the events which took place during the years 1939-1945 but, to be certain, I think it appropriate to tell you a little about my parents and their families.

Just like Helen Thomas was forced to retire for her bad behavior, all those "freedom fighters" need to be called on their actions. If Iran does send their boats as escorts, those "freedom fighters" will be responsible for starting a new war, but they won't see it that way. It also clearly shows that they are not concerned about the people living in Gaza.

The MSM has an agenda, they are so progressive that they feel okay with making terrorists into "freedom fighters". Look at these cropped pictures that Reuters used in some of their recent news coverage. All they are missing is the green helmet guy. (H/T Comments)

The media is unbalanced. It disgusts me that Helen Thomas was until today, the head journalist at the Whitehouse. She was what all journalists aspired to be. We can probably write her off as suffering from dementia, or not. Why give her an excuse to look better. With Reuters photo shopping pictures, can anyone actually believe in the media anymore?


CanadianSense said...

It is comical listening to the apologists for Helen Thomas.

They generally are uniformed about the history of the middle east.

They don't know the Roman Empire also participated in eradicating the history/existence of Jews after their revolt.

She is ignorant how many countries expelled Jews in the middle east.

The Geo-political maps are based on conflict.

Ask the people of Tibet, Chechyna if they invited the Chinese or Russians in their annexation.

West Coast Teddi said...

Definitely not suffering from dementia as she would not remember that she is a racist. She knew exactly what she was saying because she has been saying it for years. The "left" have tolerated her until she was really caught out. She can now be forgiven because well ... "she's old"