Tuesday, February 08, 2011

What To Do About Iran?

You must watch, if you haven't, IRANIUM. I am linking to Brett because he was the first one out with it. So thanks. I spent too much time this evening watching it, so this will be a short blog.

I wasn't shocked by anything contained in the documentary, those of us paying attention already know most of those details. What you need to do, is talk to people about it, get them to watch it, spread the information. Only with knowledge will we know our enemy and be able to defeat them.


The_Iceman said...

I just watched Iranium, and it was fantastic.

Southern Quebec said...

I think it was rated "F" for fiction. :)

hunter said...

You watched it SQ? That shows progress. Soon you will be climbing out of the dark, into the Conservative light!

maryT said...

testing, Mary T

maryT said...

Finally figured it out, had a great comment for SQ, but you did the job for me.