Monday, March 21, 2011

Coalition Cries "Contempt"! YAWN

It fell pretty flat didn't it? Really, the coalition were all prepared for shocked gasps and wringing of Conservative hands, and they got nothing. Yawn. What did they expect?

The Conservatives didn't release some cost numbers, and that is worthy of the FIRST contempt of Parliament ever? They look like idiots. Worse for them, they look like partisan coalition members using their majority in committee to create another "scandal". Give it a rest.

I hear that NDP MP Pat Martin is backpedaling about finding Minister Oda in contempt, why?

The NDP MP has taken a lot of heat for his behaviour Friday. He’s been called a bully and even “sexist,” which he says he profoundly resents. “I think it’s sexist to treat a minister with kid gloves just because she's a woman,” he said. Although Mr. Martin was brought in to question the minister – he says he was “riding shotgun” – he is not part of the committee’s deliberations.
Dang, who would have called him sexist, after his attack on two female Conservative MP's? I know for sure I called him a bully. He was disrespectful of a Minister of the Crown and now he's whining about taking some heat for it? BOO HOO!Was he reading the Blogging Tories this weekend? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. You say it, you better be prepared to get called on it! Immunity or not.

Out of all the posts and videos this weekend, the most important of all is this one by Sandy.

If ever Canadians needed proof of a Liberal entitlement culture in certain scholarly and foreign aid circles in this country, this CIC article says far more than I ever could. See also the original piece at the “Embassy” magazine site as well, although you have to be a paid subscriber to get the whole article. Whatever the case, it shows that CIDA public servants have a lot of explaining to do. Titled “CIDA revamp models coming fast amidst fear, anger over Tory plan,” it clearly shows what started and is the driving force behind the witch hunt and faux scandal against Conservative Government International Affairs Minister Bev Oda.

“But while each proposal has its own specific vision and focus, the consensus is that these plans aren’t being developed for the current government. Rather, they are being crafted for future governments interested in undoing what many feel is the damage being caused by the Conservatives.”

“After their presentation at the University of Ottawa, the two men
were invited to CIDA for the afternoon where they met with senior managers as well as representatives from IDRC, the Finance department and other officials.”
Well, well, could the snivel servants be behind the faux outrage of the lefties towards Minister Oda? Undoing the damage being caused by the Conservatives? If CIDA, created by Mo Strong, wants to see undoing of damage, how about we cancel them, as a useless lefty special interest group? HA!

“‘I think there is this desire to get past the Conservative years,’ says Mr. Pearson. ‘That’s what I’m hearing more and more from everybody, including international development folks, in ministries overseas. Let’s get past the Conservative years and let’s develop a model where Canada can re-engage once the Conservatives are gone.’”
Get past the Conservative years? HA! Oh, those poor lefties, wishing for days gone by, where they got everything they wanted on the taxpayer dime. Maybe these special interest groups should get a real job, and stop sucking at the taxpayer teat.

What is most disturbing about this article is the sense of entitlement to our tax dollars without any need to justify the theft. KAIROS is not entitled to our tax dollars. Maybe they should start working for the funds they need. Have a bake sale.

Coalition cries "contempt"? I cry entitlement by special interest groups. Shut the tap off!


Jerry Prager said...

So it's alright to join a coalition of militarists to overthrow a puppet of international oil and replace him with a kinder gentler model, but for the coalition of Canadian Voters who have voted against your anti-democratic tough guy three times in a row, there's something bad and evil about us. Well guess what, the coalition of VOTERS who have defended liberal democracy since 1935 when we last overthrew a corporatist conservative government in Canada, is going to do it again, despite the hundreds of millions of dollars in actionpan adscam transfers of wealth to the three conservative families who own 80% of the Canadian media and who have done the propaganda bidding of the PMO after transfers saved them from bankruptcy.

Anonymous said...

Well, well. Another six hundred and some odd word diatribe from Huntsy.

Q:How many of those words actually belong to her?

A:337 as follows:

"It fell pretty flat didn't it? Really, the coalition were all prepared for shocked gasps and wringing of Conservative hands, and they got nothing. Yawn. What did they expect?

The Conservatives didn't release some cost numbers, and that is worthy of the FIRST contempt of Parliament ever? They look like idiots. Worse for them, they look like partisan coalition members using their majority in committee to create another "scandal". Give it a rest.

I hear that NDP MP Pat Martin is backpedaling about finding Minister Oda in contempt, why?

Dang, who would have called him sexist, after his attack on two female Conservative MP's? I know for sure I called him a bully. He was disrespectful of a Minister of the Crown and now he's whining about taking some heat for it? BOO HOO!Was he reading the Blogging Tories this weekend? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. You say it, you better be prepared to get called on it! Immunity or not.

Out of all the posts and videos this weekend, the most important of all is this one by Sandy.

Well, well, could the snivel servants be behind the faux outrage of the lefties towards Minister Oda? Undoing the damage being caused by the Conservatives? If CIDA, created by Mo Strong, wants to see undoing of damage, how about we cancel them, as a useless lefty special interest group? HA!

Get past the Conservative years? HA! Oh, those poor lefties, wishing for days gone by, where they got everything they wanted on the taxpayer dime. Maybe these special interest groups should get a real job, and stop sucking at the taxpayer teat.

What is most disturbing about this article is the sense of entitlement to our tax dollars without any need to justify the theft. KAIROS is not entitled to our tax dollars. Maybe they should start working for the funds they need. Have a bake sale.

Coalition cries "contempt"? I cry entitlement by special interest groups. Shut the tap off!"

Put scare quotes around scandal all you want Huntsy. You'll never write a coherent blog thingy.

maryT said...

Jerry, you seem to have missed the fact that it is liberals who have lost about 100 seats in the last 3 elections. And they will lose some more in the next election. More canadians have voted against liberals than conservatives in that period of time.

Anonymous said...

MarTY seems to have forgotten the words In$$$$$$$$$$$$ and Out$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Anonymous said...

"The Conservatives DIDN"T RELEASE SOME COST NUMBERS, and that is worthy of the FIRST contempt of Parliament ever?"


maryT said...

Mystereeoso, why are you here, other than to tell us you can count words. Too bad you can't understand those words.

CanadianSense said...

The usual suspects in delusional left really believe what they post.

Facts are not necessary in most cases when they are busy making personal attacks.

The fact a few of them refer to this minority government as a dictatorship reinforces how unglued or unhinged they have become in their rhetoric.

The MSM with the Liberal-left-Union coalition threw everything at Rob Ford and in 8 minutes it was over.

The same will happen at the next general election. We have tuned out the radical left and their MSM stooges.

It will be fun after the ballots are counted if they will call voters stupid again.

Any bet if the NDP decide to let the Liberals twist in the wind for another few months with floppy as their leader?

Patsplace said...

Yes there is something bad and evil about you. Bring on the election, lets get it out there and see just what will happen to the huge sucking sound called the dying left.

Anonymous said...

That was a thick response, even from you MARTY.

thick as in "slurred: spoken as if with a thick tongue; "the thick speech of a drunkard"; "his words were slurred"

thick as in "blockheaded: (used informally) stupid "

There are many other ways the word thick can be used in a sentence, so you, like Huntsy are free to make your special CPC interpretations

Anonymous said...

My goodness Hunter -- this Stereeoso troll is childish and obviously one of the "entitled."

I read regularly where he or she is constantly trashing your writing. Do you notice that about progressives? When they can't criticize what you write, they criticize you as a person or what you write. Then, they wonder why the Canadian people don't trust them. No ability for personal reflection I guess.

Well, don't let it bother you -- which I'm sure it doesn't -- you are an excellent writer.

If Stereeoso knew anything about scholarship, he or she would realize that referencing and quoting sources is precisely how things are written -- unless it is strictly an opinion piece.

And, yes, I am a retired academic and have had dozens of articles published, most peer reviewed. So, I know good writing when I see it.

So, my guess is that given how quickly your latest video clips went viral, I expect your personal attacks will only get worse because you have hit a nerve -- that the truth of what went on at CIDA and in that committee room last Friday, is out there for all Canadians to see.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sandy Cruxy,

I pointed out twice recently that I find Hunter's quotage in excess of her opinion. The word count illustrates this quantitatively. Then, when Hunter's own words are examined aside from her abundant quotage, that's when the weakness or lame quality of the argument she presents tends to really shine. How does this transform into trashing Hunter's writing "regularly"?

"If Stereeoso knew anything about scholarship, he or she would realize that referencing and quoting sources is precisely how things are written -- unless it is strictly an opinion piece."

Is Huntsy really doing scholarly writing in your opinion? Is The Blogging Tories now a scholarly organization? Surely you jest.

Is it so that the historic finding of contempt against the conservatives comes because they "didn't release some cost numbers"?
Or is it part of a systematic and accumulative pattern of thwarting access to information and redacting and witholding information from parliament?

CanadianSense said...

The cheerio liberal is cute. She is either ignorant of the truth or just plain dishonest.

The access to information has been expanded. The Liberals blocked and did not allow Crown Corporations to be audited by the Attorney General.

I am not shocked how the cherrio can post such imbecilic comments and be devoid of the most basic facts about the improvements and millions being spent in providing more open and accountable government.

Keep up the great work Hunter. The left have interest in the truth. They have already closed their minds to facts that don't conform to their own worldviews.

Anonymous said...

Is the historic finding of contempt against the conservatives because they in Huntsy's words "didn't release some cost numbers"?

femaleCONvoter said...

@mystereeoso: However Hunter writes her blog is her business, you don't have to read it you know!

I don't care if her wording is hers alone or quoted - what I do care about is that she provides current and accurate coverage of issues that matter to me. She includes links and video clips. She writes with passion and a love for her country.

And she makes me laugh on Fridays with her Friday Funnies!

MONSTER said...


Is it just a hobby or an obsession to count up hunters words. Most good thoughts and opinions dont need a three voulume tome to express.

MONSTER said...


As I have said before I wish I had a troll of my own.

Anonymous said...

There is no disputing that Huntsy can write whatever she wants femaleCONverter.

And while you may not care if her words are her own or if she's quoting someone else, your laissez faire attitude discredits your assertion that she "provides current and accurate coverage of issues".

For example, Huntsy quotes Sandy Crux quoting Lee Berthiaume's article without mentioning his name - without mentioning the extent to which he has covered Kairos over the years. And she quotes Sandy Crux quoting Glenn Pearson without mention of the fact he is a Liberal MP and critic for International Cooperation which would contextualize his remarks. The point is made in one of Sandy's quotes, but not Huntsy's. Huntsy doesn't see Pearson as developing a counter policy to that of (ODA) the current minister which is actually his job and responsibility as part of our democracy - Huntsy just starts screeching about teat sucking lefties and "snivel" servants.

So femaleCONverter, I'm glad Friday Night Funnies make you laugh. And if you are finding all the accuracy on the issues you need, here under Huntsy's conservative flashlight, sleep well.

MONSTER said...


WOW, never seen some one use so many words and not really say a single thing of worth. Missy just cause Hunter uses other sources in her blog to augument the point of her post does not invalidate her opinion. Wada ya want, footnotes and a biblaoligy from every blogger for every article? Thats getting a little anul my lefty pal. Oh by the way, wheres your blog so that we can partake of more of your profound wisdom?

Southern Quebec said...

"Well, don't let it bother you -- which I'm sure it doesn't -- you are an excellent writer."

Funniest thing ever written on the internet! Thank you for that Sandy!

Anonymous said...

At one end of the spectrum we have Sandy Cruxy intimating Huntsy's reliance on references is "scholarly". That's how it's done dontcha know. Sandy Cruxy's read it all.

On the other end of the pencil there is Monster:"just cause [sic] Hunter uses other sources in her blog to augument [sic] the point of her post does not invalidate her opinion"


So what was the point of her post again? "Yawn"

ps monster it's anal if it pertains to the anus - not "anul"


Blog? You think everyone has a blog?


Praise Allah.

Anonymous said...

What SQ said.

maryT said...

It seems LS has changed his name, but can't resist his ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I also love the way Huntsy's gigantic clan of writing style supporters have completely ignored Jerry Prager's comment up at the top. I would just love to see any of you take a stab at telling him why he's wrong.

Which he's not. Hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

So mystermeat, do you phyiscally count every word, pointing at each of them on your computer monitor, then transfer this data to your fingers and toes from which you tabulate a grand total? Or have you graduated from more rudimentary counting skills whereby you've learned to copy and paste Hunter's posts to a separate program to perform the word count for you?

Personally I think you have an unhealthy infatuation with our blog hostess. This is somewhat admirable should you be seeking truth from that swirling cesspool of Marxist / socialist / progressive 'thought' that is responsible for so much misery in the world. Then again, who am I kidding.....right wing blogs are just an outlet for freaks like you seeking an outlet to act out your digital masturbation.

You attack the hostess and contributors rather than contribute to debate and dialogue of the topic at hand. This is S.O.P. of the sore loser leftists.

Get over yourself mystermeat, you are a grade A loser.

Anonymous said...

You all know what ^NOT^ means right?

Anonymous said...

Is the historic finding of contempt against the conservatives (and now what looks like a pending vote of non confidence) because they, in Huntsy's words "didn't release some cost numbers"?

Or does it have something to do with what Ted Jackson said in Lee Berthiaume's article,

"I think that a certain amount of mobilization going on in this sector but also other sectors where the government is pushing its ideological agenda. And obviously there is going to be a counter-response to that, and you're seeing some evidence of it"

liberal supporter said...

Laughable as always, punter!

The hand scribbled "NOT" is like that last video Stephane Dion released in the last election, the one that looked like it was a demand for ransom, shot in a cave with a handycam. His excuse was they had no money to do something better plus half the party had already abandoned him so he had nobody with talent to help.

But a Ministry of the Crown doing hand written alterations on legal documents? Give me a break! It looked like a ransom note.

If they have a signing machine for Bev's signature, surely they have computers and could reprint the document with the "NOT" in place in the document.

I think the problem is that the other two people had already signed the document before the NOT was inserted. They couldn't be bothered to get the signatures again on the corrected document.

MONSTER said...


Please excuse my misspelling. That may be because that is an area of the anatomy that you may be more familiar whith then I. As for JP`s comment? Havent got a clue what he`s whining about. Typical lefty troll nonsensce so far as I can tell.

MONSTER said...


Sorry, hope I didn`t cross the line.

liberal supporter said...

I think JP is mocking the fact that hunter is contemptuous of one "coalition", yet Canada is now part of a "coalition" to act against Libya. Unless I read the title of her post wrong, and she is actually against that coalition and supporting Gadaffi.

So I have to assume hunter is struggling with the orders from BT HQ to always use "coalition" when referring to any Canadian political party other than the CPC, since the same word is used for the international coalition.


KURSK said...

So Mystereo, you are admitting the fix was in from the leftist civil servants in order to pay back the Conservative government for daring to have an ideological bent that is different than theirs?

Last time I checked, Canadians elected their governments and they get to call the shots, not the statists in the civil service.

Hey SQ, have a Pepsi you wanker.Isn't it Bloc bowling night for the traitors down your way?

KURSK said...

I see the home has let out the borderline retarded for the night..

Isn't there a gripping David McGuinty speech playing somewhere tonight that you should be attending?

Anonymous said...

"So Mystereo, you are admitting the fix was in from the leftist civil servants in order to pay back the Conservative government for daring to have an ideological bent that is different than theirs?"

I believe the implication of the quote is that the civil service and many other Canadians are inclined to organize and push back when minority governments try to CRAM IDEOLOGY DOWN THEIR THROATS!

Whoah, Kursk lets out a howler, "borderline retarded".


hunter said...

When the trolls come out, the fun begins! Good job everyone, including trolls, for providing much entertainment!

Let the election begin!

MONSTER said...


This was fun. Write more so we can do it again.