Now eastern Canada insists on getting their oil from countries that require them to ship the "blood" oil in huge tankers across the seas, Valdez anyone? Or how about that oil spill from an offshore rig that exploded? How many ducks/turtles/dolphins/seals is that disaster going to kill? More than 2000?
I miss Klein. He might have been a liberal PC, but he had balls. He would not have sued Syncrude over a few ducks, so why is our province suing them? What is the motivation other than sucking up to the eco-nuts and Liberals? I want the province to sue themselves over all the birds their wind shredders are killing everyday, not just in a once in a decade fluke storm.
As part of the study, Erin Baerwald, an ecology student, hunts for dead and injured bats in Pincher Creek's turbine fields.
"Last year, more than 500 were found. This year, we're following a similar trend. And that's just this wind farm," Baerwald said.
The article mentions that the bats are not endangered, but neither are ducks. So, one wind farm kills 500 bats a year times 10 wind farms, we get 5000 bats a year, year in and year out. All those bats would have eaten millions of insects, now we will have to put up with more pests, and more disease.
What are the eco-nuts going to say now, just when Obama opened up new areas for off shore drilling. Quite a problem for them. They love Obama, so they can't attack him for his policy, but the potential damage to the environment from this spill could be way more than a few ducks. I wonder are they out protesting against off shore drilling and telling Obama to stop? Probably, after all their hero Gore just bought another property with 9 bathrooms and six CO2 spewing fireplaces.
I will keep my oil sands oil over offshore oil any day, it's less polluting, and less risky. Nobody dies from shoveling oil laden sand into a truck so it can be cleaned, and, that is the old way of doing business, now they use steam to extract the oil, without any drilling.
I hope the oil spill can be contained before it does anymore harm. NO-ONE wants pollution.
I have a scheduled post tomorrow on this oil spill. Offshore oil (which the US drills a lot of, if not within dight of the coast) should be considered the dirtiest oil. When it spills, it travels hundreds of miles in a short period of time. When you spill sand, it doesn't go very far.
I feel like kindred spirits - my folks and I were *just* having this exact conversation. Great post!
So, maybe James Cameron can visit the Gulf of Mexico instead of our Canadian oil sands.
Early Friday Funny:
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1. Mrs McGuinty.
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