Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Paula The Piranha Meets Robert De Niro!

I found two interesting videos on the National Post site, one has a Toronto councilor going bananas and the other has Robert De Niro on SNL, I ask, who is the comedian!

First up the Toronto councilor, she would be funny if she wasn't so serious about saving the world from Conservatives. She really loses it. I hope someone runs against this far left piece of work.

Then we have this really funny piece by Robert De Niro for SNL.

What's the connection? They are both really politically incorrect. Go for it! Free speech reigns! Now would somebody run against Paula the Piranha and show her that arrogance and yelling at a taxpayer won't get you any votes. If she is counting on the university students who showed up....good luck with that!

SNL is funny and can get away with being politically incorrect because they don't have to get re-elected. Paula the Piranha just doesn't have the same impact. Sadly she comes across as an arrogant, holier than thou, incompetent nut bar.

H/T Sassylassie for the SNL video.


Gabby in QC said...

What a shrew! Fletcher's behaviour puts the lie to the "politics would be much kinder and gentler if more women got involved" meme.

If ever Elizabeth May gets elected to Parliament -- perish the thought -- I expect she'll behave like Fletcher, speaking over others, shouting, not letting anyone else get a word in.

Southern Quebec said...

She didn't look Shrewish...

West Coast Teddi said...

Fire. Them. All.

What a piece of work. And to answer all her questions ... Yes Yes Yes and for good measure YES.

frmgrl said...

If ever Elizabeth May gets elected to Parliament -- perish the thought -- I expect she'll behave like Fletcher, speaking over others, shouting, not letting anyone else get a word in.

Gabby,heaven forbid if she got a seat. You think decorum in the HOC is bad now, it would be total bedlam with Dizzy Lizzy there.

Anonymous said...

She sounds like Joan Rivers going through a very bad menopause. She even looks a bit like Rivers. What a b***h. Wow - is she ignorant and uncivilized. Maybe she needs to be "thanked" and "thanked well and long" - maybe she'll lose the attitude or at least dial it back a bit.

The euphymism "thanked" comes from the old Columbo books.

Anonymous said...

I am curious - whatever happened to parents feeding their children in the morning? My mother came from a family of more than 12 children and her parents were off-the-boat immigrants and poor. Yet, they had breakfast ever morning - porridge, but still breakfast. Their meals were not the responsibility of the schools.

As for this councillor - ignorant is too mild a word for her. Her mic should have been cut off the moment she began to be abusive - most likely two seconds after she sat down.