Thursday, February 04, 2010

The Opposition/Media Need To Grow Up!

What has been happening lately has been so partisan by the opposition parties that it should wake us up and make us realize that there are no adults running the opposition parties. The Liberals and NDP are in the House shrieking about abortions and our troops being involved in torturing Afghans. It is sickening. Watch this CTV Power Play interview of Liberal and NDP MP's. They are so juvenile it's hard to believe they represent real Canadians.
Opposition cries like babies.

The comments show how dangerous it is for PM Harper, there are a lot of Harper Haters out there. I suspect most of those Haters are university students sitting at their computers in their parents basements, posting under numerous names, repeating the socialist mantra that their professors have indoctrinated them with, because they are too stupid to think for themselves.

The media is leading the way, but they have shot their load too soon and shown their hand to Canadians. This is not a game. This is not a university debate with mindless rah rah cheer leading. The media is engaged in an all out war against anything Conservative. They are fighting for their lives and think that lefties are going to save them because 60% of voters are socialists. They fail to understand that those 60% will do nothing to support them. The 40% who are Conservative, are the ones who own businesses, employ workers and don't have the time for silly parlor games. They are also the ones who have the money to advertise.

Look at the failed prorogation protests. The media spent weeks yapping about how upset the "grassroots" were and then nobody showed up to protest. More people showed up to protest the coalition by far, but the media refused to cover it.

How do we fight back? Stop going to CBC, CTV, Global, Globe and Mail, and the Toronto Star. Go to blogs. We need a few blogs that will summarize what those sites are covering. Send your traffic to that blog, and read the article there. Email advertisers, tell them you will not buy their products because you disagree with the politics of the station their ad is running on. Get FOX news, and listen to radio talk shows like Rutherford.

You do not have to personally go out and protest, you can do it right from your computer. Start your own facebook group to abolish the CBC, the Canadian Wheat Board, and any other lefty organization that ticks you off. Send letters to the editor. Call up your MP, that should be real fun if you happen to have a lefty MP.

Your MP will react to constituents calling them about issues, make sure you call them and let them know what you want them to do for you. We should be calling all opposition MP's to tell them to stop the clown act and start acting like adults. They need to grow up. Even my Liberal parents told me they can't watch the news anymore because it is so biased, and that was at Christmas, before the media really revved up into high whine gear.

They are acting like babies, so let's give them a soother....quit watching them. It's hard to sell advertising when you have no viewers, except for CBC, they get $1.2 BILLION a year from us taxpayers so they can give us the finger and not worry about losing their jobs.

I say, give them the finger right back, stop watching them and call up their advertisers and tell them you refuse to buy their products. Boycott the biased media. Let's do a FOX here in Canada, buy the National Post and the Sun productions, let's get their numbers up so companies will advertise with them.


Southern Quebec said...

This is an attempt at satire...right?

Unknown said...

CTV and mainstream media are the satire. They are pathic and so is anyone who takes anything they report seriously.