Monday, April 12, 2010

Lefty MP's Attack Female Conservative MP's

It's getting to be a pattern with the lefty MP's, they seem to be so weak that they have to attack female Conservative MP's.

Let's start with Iggy, today in the House, he attacked the government over not releasing any details about the mysterious third party that caused the PM to call in the RCMP on the Helena case. Hey Iggy, grab a clue, it's under investigation now, meaning no facts can be released until the issue is settled or charges have been laid. Layton continued the attack, and I thought the NDP were all about gender equality!

Then some Bloc MP was trying to attack the Minister of Fisheries about some supposed conflict of interest. She shot him down with facts, but lefties never let facts get in the way of a good smear.

Then, they called a point of order because Minister Rona had taken a picture during question period. She got up and said it was a mistake and that even though it showed the opposition hard at work she had deleted it. Too funny!

This was only one day and three females were attacked by the opposition. I guess they aren't looking for the female vote then.

As a female, I am sickened by the attacks on female MP's. It makes the male MP's look like power hungry hyenas. It's no wonder that the female vote has been transferring to the Conservatives lately. The lefties are so busy listening to the feminists that they don't realize how they appear to the normal females in Canada. The Liberals botched abortion vote is a prime example of listening only to lefty feminists and not your everyday working Mother or stay at home Mom or Grandmother.

If the opposition keep on attacking female Conservative MP's, they will lose a huge percent of the female vote. Sure, they might keep the 10% of feminists, but if they were true feminists, they would be speaking out right now about the extended attacks on females by the opposition.

What I saw when I happened to watch question period today was disgusting. From Iggy the supposed leader of the Liberals to Bloc MP's to NDP MP's and if the Greens actually had a seat in the House, I bet they would have been howling too.

Listen up you useless opposition MP's, you look like male predators. You are scoring no points with females. But, heck, don't listen to me, I'm only a Conservative female.

The Liberal party is using the same tactics as the Liberal bloggers used against me. Swarm my site with lefty comments until they forced me to put on comment moderation, then cry that I won't allow them their freedom of speech on my blog.

I'm chuckling now because they forced me to put on comment moderation, and now they have no voice on my blog unless I allow it. They have actually given me more power than I had before they harassed me into comment moderation.

Keep up the great work opposition parties, I'm sure females are looking at your parties and thinking of voting for you, because you respect women so much, you yell and scream at them during question period. What was the term we used to use....Male Chauvinist Pigs? Is that politically incorrect these days? Maybe it should be taken out of the mothballs and be dusted off for the opposition.


The_Iceman said...

Hunter, the liberal chattering class doesn't only attack females. I had to introduce comment moderation for the exact same reason that you did. I have yet to receive a direct threat, but have read many a wish for my demise.

I am a fan of your blog. I only wish that you had the time to write more than you currently do.

maryT said...

One female conservative is fighting back, but she is an American. Ann Coulter was on Hannity (fox) tonight and he asked her about her Canadian trip. So, she told it all especially re the provost, and said her complaint to the Human Rights commission is about ready to file. If she doesn't win, it will prove the HRC hates conservative women.
I hope Helena sues lots of media, and Iggy, for calling her a liar.
At least as an independent she can be absent except for votes, and try to get her life back on track.
I thought Baird was very composed today.

CanadianSense said...

Is there any wonder why the intolerant left are in such trouble?

The centrist voter are not interested in their radical agenda.

Painting the CPC are far right neo-con has failed.

Carole Taylor NDP, stated it as well. This witchunt will drive down female participation.

It will do the same at the polls. Where are the female voters? They used to belong to the Liberals.

The Catholic and visible minority vote did as well.

Those groups have left and no longer support the political parties that have shifted to the destructive policies of socialism.

Look at Eastern Europe 1945-1990's or today's Greece.

No platform or policy discussion in parliament. I have asked Liberals since losing power in 2006 why have they failed to introduce an alternative policy for debate?

Are big central governments, tax funded abortions the highest priorities for Liberals?

Why are they busy crying about the Taliban Prisoner Comfort instead of human rights for the women and children?

It appears they don't trust Canadians to be responsible or more self-reliant with a smaller government that is local.

robins111 said...

Its interesting to see the lefty's trying to suck & blow at the same time with their attack-dog antics.

They want to retain the credibility of the people, but are realisticlly smearing 50% of the Canadian population.

I'm just waiting till one of these critters comes out with a statement like, it wouldn't happen if she was a man.

Bec said...

CS said,
"Why are they busy crying about the Taliban Prisoner Comfort instead of human rights for the women and children?"

I simply can't get my head around that one and doubt I ever will.However I will say that it seems to be the men from the opposite side of the house that defends these and other equally distasteful segments of society. I wonder if any of them have watched the movie 'Brothers' and changed their mind after observing what these monsters are capable of, without an ounce of guilt.

The manner in which the Liberal women in particular attack has been an eye opening experience for me as well. The pure hatred in their eyes and words, without conscience, clearly indicates that the whole movement is full of disdain and arrogant entitlement.

Martin said...

It seems obvious from a left/liberal point of view, that conservative women are traitors to the feminist cause, and thus are not really women at all. Nothing else explains the vicious personal attacks people like Sarah Palin have endured, from other women. Consevatives in Canada have been criticized for their hair, clothes, speaking voice, family and so no. This is doubly so if the consevative is reasonably attractive. We witness catty remarks about Rona Ambrose's hair, but don't hear any comments about Marlene Jenning's locks, or about Libby Davies's fashion sense.Only conservative women come in for this treatment. It is a sad situation, and one that is not geared to attract many women into politics.

maryT said...

What about Linda Duncan's hair, and all those cbc/ctv gals.
But maybe they want their hair to be noticed to keep us from paying attention that there is nothing under it, re intelligence.

maryT said...

Ethics commissioner will not investigate any of the charges brought against Helena. Not enough facts. Sorry Jennings, try again.
Maybe someone should refer her antics to the ethics gal.

Anonymous said...

I think any cracks about Ambrose' hair are made out of jealousy - she has really great hair. Our resident left has become very petty and catty - they have nothing substantive to add and do nothing but screech pure vindictiveness and hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

The Ethics Commissioner will not investigate Guergis:

L said...

The smearing of Helena is a disgusting new low for all of the opposition parties and the media. Solomon obviously only has a small following - 17% felt she was mistreated, so we know who watched that crap!

They do not like Conservative women (ESPECIALLY if they are also attractive) because we don't support a lot of the so-called socialist "women's issues" initiatives, do not want more and more PC laws and government boondoggle national programs for children, families, pensioners or seniors. Hello, we try to save for our family needs ... when it it is not taxed to pay for those who do not.

They do not understand that we really do need and want immigration reform and never did swallow multi-cult as implemented. Our British and French-Canadian traditions have served us well, which is why people like our country. Actually, Jason Kenney can not say this out loud, but some immigrant countries should be on the no=go or low list. People who are inherently against our values should not be allowed in as refugees or immigrants.

A lot of women who immigrated to Canada are increasingly learning that their views are very congruent with our conservative views on both social and economic issues. I hope that they will stop wasting their votes on NDP and Green candidates, as well as the BLOC (ESPECIALLY). These are mostly wasted votes. I am so pleased that PM Harper has changed the script on Quebec. Maybe they will know soon that a BLOC vote gets them nothing, no Cabinet rep, as they were appeased for so long with no consequences. It is so encouraging that Duceppe's tour is a huge fail. Bravo for Quebec going after burkas and other similar outfits.

Libs.socialists do not understand that we see the 2-parent father-mother-children family as the best model for raising the next generation of Canadians. Erosion of the institution of marriage is counter-intuitive and has done a lot of damage.

They do not understand why we do appreciate punishment for egregious crimes either, as we know that rehab has definite limits and success rates.

They might be surprised to learn that we would shed few tears if Status of Women Canada was abolished and any useful programs placed in the other appropriate departments where they belong. Boo hoo for the aging, Liberal bra-burners in the Commons and Senate.

The Liberals do not understand that Conservative women have and want to stand on our own two feet, have a career or not, raise our own children in an environment of free speech and thought (direct tax break help is appreciated), and we want to spend our own family money by choice, not having it taxed and re-cycled via governments to causes we hate and/or do not support. In other words, "advocacy" should be paid for by private citizens, not grants and contributions.

Because they only talk to women in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal and the whiny entitlement folks in druggy neighbourhoods, they will never get it.

While I am happy having no laws on abortion here, the idea of Canada foisting abortion on the 3rd world as a matter of policy, while ignoring the views of 1/2 of Canadians (whose anti-abortion views I respect) and those of other countries, is completely abhorrent! There is lots to do in the 3rd world like funding vaccination clinics. Canadians have no history of foisting their views on other countries, and we will not start now. Thank the stars that we have PM Harper on this file. The Liberals would never understand my view, as it is too complex for Iggy and Donolo to comprehend. Their grandmothers were not western pioneers, but they would have correctly thought their grand children were insane.

Orville said...

Marlene Jennings is vulnerable on another front - they do have a lot of nerve to be critical but MSM covers for them rather than exposing them as the frauds they are.

Marlene Jennings (Notre-Dame-de-GrĂ¢ce--Lachine) - Jennings’ own husband, Luciano Del Negro, was appointed by the Liberals to the Immigration and Refugee Board (Canada Gazette, Vol. 139, No. 22 — May 28, 2005)