I keep hearing about how great the Quebec daycare program is, and how all of the provinces in Canada want the same program, but I also keep hearing how they need $800 Million to sustain it! Is that for one year?? If we were to give that to one province, could they at least make sure that no daycare worker strikes for 45 years??
So, 800M times 10 provinces?? Sorry, my calculator blew up when I tried to get that answer. And, don't forget the territories, add some more in for them.
These DAYcare advocates are funded by US (and no, that is not the United States to clarify for you Liberal/NDP types) our taxes are paying for these special interest groups that are totally self serving and out of touch with real people. They are just busy trying to save their "jobs". I say, try working at a real job like millions of people who are productive members of society, not leeches.
The government needs to de-fund these self serving do nothing groups. They are useless.
Give the money to groups that really need the help, like autistic children and disabled people. Too much money is going towards groups like "People for....(you fill in the blank)", but YWCA comes to my mind as one example. We can take that money and make a change for people who really need it, not some artist who wants to study in Paris.
Socialism is killing Europe, let's make sure it doesn't kill Canada!
Just testing to see if my comment area is wirking
or working LOL
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