Sunday, February 25, 2007

Age Of Consent

What the heck has happened to this bill, it was one of the first law and order bills the Conservatives proposed, yet it's stalled somewhere in Parliament.

I told my MP that if the Conservatives passed no other bill but this one, that I would vote for them again. It is really a no brainer.

So, who are the no brainers holding this legistation up? Why would the opposition try to hold up a piece of legislation that all parents want, because it helps to protect the most innocent, our children. Especially now when the internet is responsible for more sexual predators luring children into dangerous situations.

My MP is pushing hard for this bill, I call on all parents to start emailing their MP's to get this bill passed. This is not a party issue, this is a parenting issue. This is about protecting our children.

How does raising the age of consent from 14 to 16, with close in age clauses harm anyone but the predators out there. Right now if your 15 year old daughter/son decides to go live with a 25 year old, you as a parent can not legally do anything about it. The police will try to help you but their hands are tied by an outdated law.

Don't be tough on our children, get tough with predators, pass this bill.

SHAME on the opposition for holding this bill up, but maybe they listen to the man/boy society more than they listen to us parents. This must stop, pass the bill.

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