Monday, February 26, 2007

Scab This!

What are the opposition parties up to, are they trying to force an election? Are all lefties brainless, or just stupid?

They moan about the Afghanistan mission not being "balanced", the Conservatives direct 200 million to aid Afghanistans, is that not a good thing, well no. According to the opposition, it's too little too late, it's an election ploy, it's not enough...BLAH, BLAH. Fine, they are just showing the Canadian public what idiots they are, no biggy, most of us already knew that, so we aren't shocked.

What is more disturbing than that bafoonery (is that a word?) is the anti-scab bill. This is the ultimate lefty wet dream. Unions reign supreme over the companies they work for, because they can strike and force other workers to not be able to do their jobs, and no temporary workers can be hired to help the company keep supplying it's customers.

In other words, the union holds a big hammer, and they get to club companies over the head with it, unions are drooling as we speak. This bill moves the lefties and their unions out of the socialist realm, into the communist realm.

If this bill passes, watch even more companies leave for China, why would they stay here? Maybe the lefties should put in a restriction on companies leaving Canada, guess they forgot that little problem.

It's stupidity, but no one has even accused the opposition of being smart.

You can sign a petition against it here:

Passing Bill C-257 would deny freedom of choice to unionized workers; and
Passing Bill C-257 would drive away investment from Canada and kill jobs.
We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon Parliament and the leaders of Canada’s opposition parties, to stop Bill C-257 and allow every Canadian the right to earn a living.

Our fundamental right to freedom is under attack, this bill is a perfect example of how and why.

Just say NO.

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