Wednesday, February 28, 2007

One Brave Man!

My heart felt thanks goes out to Tom Wappel, a man of principal, the ONE BRAVE MAN who broke the triple whip. I saw him on CPAC, he had no clue why Dion made, as he called it a "180 turn". If he gets kicked out of the Liberal caucus, I hope the Conservatives welcome him home, where he belongs. I will trade one Garth Turncoat for a Tom Wappel anyday!

If he is not willing to switch to the Conservatives, I hope he runs as an independent, if I was in his riding, I would vote for him. Every once in awhile you see a ray of hope in politics, that's what I saw with Tom Wappel last night.

We had Bains voting against (conflict of interest anyone)these measures, the same ones that were upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada, we had Dion whipping his members, or should I say beating his member/s. What a sad bunch the Liberals have become, they would be laughable if they weren't so dangerous. They are good at spouting and name calling, but they have no heart, no soul and no idea of what good governance really means. To call the victims of 9/11 a sideshow was in such bad taste it's unbelievable, but the MSM is silent.

I applaud your stance Tom, kudos to you for sticking to your principles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tango Juliette sez:

Wappel? Certifiably a non-heroic figure, regardless his stand on the ATA vote.

Check the history attached to this slime ball.