Saturday, February 03, 2007

UN Declares Kyoto Dead!

Okay, not in those words but close.

New UN agency to manage environment.

The new agency would transform the existing UN Environment Program, into “a fully-fledged international organization that is genuinely universal,” French President Jacques Chirac told delegates to the Citizens of the Earth conference, which was organized by his government.
“We know that humans are destroying, at an alarming rate, resources and balances that have enabled them to evolve and are determining their future,” he said. “We must admit to ourselves that we can no longer afford to be idle and that the risks and dangers are exacerbated with each passing day.”

So, the Kyoto money grabbing scheme didn't work, let's try another. NOT going to happen. The western world is finally realizing the UN is useless.

He also called for an international declaration that would make the right to a sound environment a universal human right.

This is really worrying, it's going to be a human right? My God, how are they going to monitor that, when the UN refuses to tell China that they are abusing human rights? They allowed millions to be killed in Rawanda, and they are doing nothing about Darfur? The environment is more important human lives? Okay the socialist/communist countries might like this, anything that restricts our freedom, is what they want. I sure hope Canada does not sign on to this garbage, it's worse than Kyoto.

Chirac is totally off the wall. I bet the European nations signed up, they are going downhill so fast, they are desperate to get an infusion of cash anyway they can. Now that Kyoto has failed, they are worried, their carbon trading market is tanking, because the targets were a fraud. Go ahead and slap some taxes on Canada and the US, we don't need Europe. Our Canadian wines are just as good, if not better than French wines.

Other than that, what do we actually buy from them?

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