Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fall, With A Twist!

You can smell it, even though we had a great, hot weekend, it's in the air. Fall. The time for plants to die, leaves to fall, and kids to FINALLY go back to school. This year there seems to be a twist though, a feeling of hope, optimism, a sense that something has changed, is not dying, is actually being renewed, HOPE!

HOPE, that our country is finally on the right path, that Canadians are actually standing up, looking around, and taking a big gulp of clean, cool air into their lungs, and feeling refreshed.

Why? I could link to all the articles that you have already read, it's late, so I won't, I'll just give you my take on why I'm feeling so good, even though the pressures in my life are many, the HOPE is great.

PM Harper is going to openly meet with the Dalai Lama, he's not going to sneak around like Paul Martin did, he's going to snub China's wishes, and do what the leader of a sovereign country should do, make up his own mind about foreign policy. Make us PROUD.

The Conservatives handily won a seat in Quebec, and just about captured 2, showing that Quebec is not as against Afghanistan or the Conservatives as the media has been trying to portray.

Speaking of the media, after all of their non-stop, no holds barred, out and out attacks on anything Conservative, it was the Liberals that got wiped off the map in Quebec. Obviously, they should keep up their attack, it's working brilliantly! In our favour. HA.

What else? I'm looking forward to a big C, Conservative throne speech, one that will tick the lefties off, because none of them are in any position to force an election.

It's fall, and I sense a change, a shift, a new dynamic in this country, and it's called HOPE. It's called PRIDE. Pride in our Prime Minister, pride in our military, and most important, pride in our country, CANADA.

I am proud again, finally, to be a Canadian. We have clawed our way out of the stagnant, smelly, smoke filled cave, shaken off the carbon from the fire, and started to breath that crisp, bracing Canadian air. We are awake again as a country.

So, let the opposition whine, that's their job. Let the polls show that the Conservatives are neck and neck with the Liberals(HA), let the media keep showing more of Dion than Harper, please!

HOPE! Hope for a country coming out of it's slumber, realizing that the fall sun somehow, this year, feels like a renewal of our country, not the portent of a harsh, cold winter. (Could we just skip winter for one or two more months?)

Fall, with a twist! This year fall is bringing HOPE!

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