Saturday, June 03, 2006

Ontario jury finds Linklater guilty of murder

Justice Harry LaForme cited a federal government directive to reduce the number of native Canadians in jail.

"It is my duty to endeavour to remedy this crisis of drastic over-representation of aboriginal people in our penal institutions," LaForme said.

Now, is it just me, or could the drastic over-representation of aboriginal people, maybe, just maybe, be because they are the ones doing the crimes???

During question period, Liberals and NDP get up and complain that tougher sentences are going to mean more aboriginals in jail! You think?? Do we now have to balance our jails so that we are politically correct? We need to have 50% whites balanced by 50% others?

The left just doesn't seem to get it, do the crime, do the time!!

Now, it should be interesting to see the lefties spin the 17 terrorists, who had 3 tons of bomb material, into victims. And, of course, blame it all on Afghanistan and PM Harper, even though the police had been observing them for YEARS. They have already begun to do that at CTV, every talking head is asking every "expert", whether Afghanistan is to blame.

But, to get back to this article, 57 criminal convictions, and the judge gives him a conditional sentence, to be served in the community?? Who is protecting the community, certainly not the judge.

I feel for the victims, but listen to the NDP/Liberals, they never mention the victims. We need a website that tracks decisions by judges. Let's start getting their names out there, let's start making judges accountable, to us, the taxpayers, for their decisions.

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