Friday, October 20, 2006

The Braying Was Heard By .......

the laughing hyenas, oops, media, who immediately jumped to the Liberals bidding, and made a bunch of noise, about a dog. The donkeys in the Liberal party, were so busy heehawing about the dog in the party, that they forgot to actually get anything done today. This made an a$$ out of Parliament.

The real story today, should have been about more porkers at the trough. But, the Senators were busy, covering their own a$$es! They, of course, are good at covering their a$$es, by deflecting the guilt onto anyone they think they can get away with blaming. In this case, the porkers, sorry, Senators, blamed the hyenas, so why aren't the media laughing this story right onto the front page?

The hyenas should have been nipping at the supposed "hot air" bill, but they really can't understand the bill, so they came up with no reporting on this matter whatsoever. I guess "hot air" is hard to interview!

So, the porkers are attacking the hyenas, who are looking for dogs in their pack. All told, it was a feeding frenzy by Liberals, Senators, and the media. They are still busy chasing their own tails!!

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