Pro this, anti that, let me make it clear, because I get confused at the terms used by both sides. It boils down to this, you are for the life of babies, or you are for the death of babies.
A Liberal has put a bill before Parliament, hoping to make abortions after 20 weeks illegal, various groups are saying this would restrict a "women's right to choose". This is such a tired phrase that I can't believe the baby killers are still using it.
As a female, my right to choose, is not to have sex, or to take various pills that will prevent pregnancy, once I become pregnant, my rights should not superceed those of my baby. We both have the right to life. A baby is not something to be dismembered and discarded just because it is not wanted. Women need to stop using abortions as birth control.
It is totally disgusting that Canada has no abortion law at all. This means that as long as the baby still has a foot in the womb, a doctor can suck it's brains out and call it justified.
I cry for those babies, who have no rights under Canadian law.
Here's the thing that makes me crazy. The couple has a baby that is very much wanted. For 19 or 20 weeks or so, the baby is considered a member of the family. Then oops, a diagnosis of Down Syndrome or something other condition, and then the baby is killed. What kind of family values is that?
The media mostly agree with this. That's why there's no outrage.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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