Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm Supportin, Ted Morton

When Annie, get your guns, supports Dinning, it's a clear signal to grab your guns, and get voting Ted Morton. Others supporting Dinning, the arts community, gays/lesbians, and every eastern Liberal they could contact.

I am positive Paul Martin, yuck, is supporting him, why wouldn't he, he's $25,000 richer because Dinning sent him a cheque. $0, to Stephen Harper, an actual Conservative.

Well, that was money lost, Martin is a has been, no brown bag for Dinning now. Poor investment Dinning, lost all your investment, and got no interest in return. If that's what we can expect from Dinning running Alberta, no thanks.

The only ones voting for Dinning are Liberals and unions who have signed up for membership. True Conservatives can smell a Liberal from miles away.

If Dinning wins, grab onto your wallets, because Liberal spending is going to cost you dearly.

So, I'm supportin Morton, it's the only thing a true Conservative can do!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

SOW's In Distress!

Oh those nasty, wrongheaded, Conservatives, closing down all the SOW's offices, except for four. Well, I am spitting mad at Bev Oda for daring to do this.

How, I ask you, could she have left four open? That is just totally upsetting!

Okay, I never knew the SOW's had an office here in Edmonton, how could this poor woman have missed them, in my time of need? I am paid the same wages as a male, for the same job, and that is just wrong! I am superior after all, and deserve to be paid more than that nasty male, because, I AM A WOMAN, therefore I deserve better treatment than only equal wages. I am going to march down to their office and demand they stand up for more wages for me for equal work, this is only what I, as a female, deserve.

This just will not do, saving money, well, well, that's just too Conservative, they are showing their true colours now, cutting funding for activists, what are those activists going to do? They might even have to fund raise, to survive, the horror of it all!

Oda insisted that women will be better served despite the budget cuts and the office closings.
"I'm very surprised that the opposition would say, "Put money back into inefficiencies," when you can find inefficiencies and streamline the operations.
"What these offices don't necessarily provide is the help directly to women. There was a lot of lobbying groups, there was a lot of advocacy.
"We don't need to separate the men from the women in this country. . . This government as a whole is responsible to develop policies and programs that address the needs of both men and women."
Oda said the closures will save on unnecessary rent and utility bills and she claimed that even with $5 million in cuts, there will be $700,000 more for women's programming.
She also said women in regions will be able to get service from office of the Canadian Heritage Department.

No more sucking up taxpayers money at the trough! Finally the money might actually make it into the hands of women who really need the help, instead of lefty advocates pulling in $80,000 a year, just to tell us that single Mom's need help. Well DUH, I'm not blonde like Belinda, oh dang, she just dyed her hair brown didn't she, did that make her smarter? If she likes her pink book soooo much, maybe she should dye her hair pink!

The opposition mentioned "equality" for women, not one of them talked about helping single Mom's. Hypocrites, they talk about job losses, would those jobs lost be the ones your lefty friends are holding right now with the SOW's? Is that what all the shrilling is really about?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mom's Against the Pinks.

I'm one of the lucky ones, I still have my Mom. To those who don't, I can't imagine how painful it is to lose your Mom. Well, I can, sort of, but it's not something I like to even think about, or imagine.

Now, I wish to address this to the Pink Stinkers, because, they should be glad that their Mom's didn't feel that being "barefoot and pregnant" with them was a bad thing. If they had, an easy abortion would have solved that problem. It would have been their "choice".

We as a society have carried this "choice" too far, and it has to stop. If this "choice" keeps up, no universal daycare program will be needed.

Choice in where I want to live, work and play is a good thing.
Choice in what I want to be when I grow up, is a good thing.
Choice in who I vote for, is a right.
Choice in who I marry, well, I was lucky, after 21 years, I would make that same choice.

Choice to kill a baby, when did that become a right?

God must be looking down in disgust. Not only are we killing babies, we are experimenting on their cells, and we think the Nazi's were bad? This pales in comparison to their crimes, because abortion, in Canada, is not a crime.

Everyone is upset about the Quebecois being declared a nation, they are asking what does a nation mean?

Well, I'm asking you, what does "choice" mean, why isn't anyone asking that question? Why do we buy the feminist bullshit that "It's their choice"? It is never a "choice" to kill a baby, NEVER.

In this day and age, with even a new male contraceptive pill, why are there still abortions? If both the male and female, take those little pills, we should not have any unplanned pregnancies. Also, if I am morally opposed to abortions, why do I have to, as a taxpayer, pay for them? Pay for the killing of your baby all by yourself, don't make ask me to support killing.

Abortion is death. The lefties cry about the 45 soldiers who have been killed in service to this country, and I am truly sorry that they died for us, but not a whisper about the THOUSANDS of babies killed every year, right here in Canada, because having a baby would be "inconvenient", at this time! SICK!

So, all Mom's should email their MP's and tell them why being "barefoot and pregnant" is not a bad thing, like the sicko pinko's want to make us believe. It's a celebration of life.

Warning to all you lefties who love abortion, if you are aborting your children, who wins? Yup, us Conservative women, you know, the ones who are "barefoot and pregnant"?

Mom's were disrespected by those Liberal MP's that used their positions in Parliament to produce that Pink book, disgusting display.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Pinko Stinko's!!

Well, I hate to tell the Pink Stinkers, but, I'm not barefoot, nor am I pregnant. What an idiotic statement for them to make! They just disrespected their own Mom's, and every Mom out there.

Listen you extreme feminists, being pregnant is NOT a disease! I can honestly say that it was the most rewarding time of my life! This might shock you, but, even better than my career! OOPS, us Conservative women aren't supposed to be able to work, we're to busy being pregnant and in the kitchen.

Guess Pink Stinkers can only do one thing at a time, and even that takes a whole committee of Pink Stinkers. Their report, yup, you guessed it, a stinker. Don't bother printing it out, save some trees.

Here's what this Conservative women does;
Works full time
Published author
Board member
Loves cooking, I also do my own pasta sauce, pickles, pickled beets, and just made perogies on Sunday
Gardening, start my own flowers from seed in the winter, have a vegetable garden
Makes homemade raspberry wine, that is potent and yummy

Oh and I clean house too, but not dusting, I make my kids dust, and that knuckle dragging red neck husband of mine, does the laundry.

All Mom's need to take these pinko's to task, send them to their rooms without supper, no going out at recess and take their credit cards away.

We have SOW's, now we have Pink Stinker's, or is that Pinko Stinko SOW's?

On top of everything else, they want to take away the $100 a month per child that parents are already getting, and instead spend the money on institutionalized daycare. Well that will go over big with the voters, they are liking their beer and popcorn by now!

One final hint to those pink stinkers, read this item, those scary Conservative women! Not only are we barefoot and pregnant, but we are also capable of feeding our families, by hunting and liking it!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Income Splitting, I Love It!!!

Better than the next GST cut, this is a real middle class cut that is overdue. It is a huge vote getter, that's why the opposition will get hysterical about it being "social engineering". So, I looked at how it would help my family, and sure enough, all of us will gain from income splitting.

My family:

Mom has no pension, Dad has a good one, they are now able to split their income and save at least $2,000 a year.

Sister doesn't work, husband can now split income with her, they would save thousands.

Brother, wife works but is in a lower income bracket, income splitting will save them hundreds a year.

I make more than my husband, we will save in the $1,000-2,000 dollar range.

So, everyone in my family wins with income splitting.

Now to those who will say, but in won't help the poorest of them all, the single Mom's. Well, maybe not, but they don't pay taxes, and they get lots of subsidies, for example daycare, they pay $80 a month. Don't expect to hear about that in the MSM. Also, they get child benefits, I don't, because as a family, we make too much. Fair enough, I don't want money because I had children, they are my responsibility.

How come they can take my family income into account when it comes to child benefits, but not when it comes to income taxes? Example, we had a nanny, we could claim child care expenses, but only for the lowest earner, so every year, we could only claim a portion of those expenses.

So, let's make daycare free for all single Mom's who are enrolled in post secondary education, that's a win-win. That's how you help single Mom's, not by giving them more money, but by giving them a chance to raise themselves above poverty. I will never forget hearing two welfare Mom's talking about a course they were supposed to be taking, they were insulted that they would be expected to get out of bed, and make it to class by 9:00am, it cut into their evening drinking time!

It's about time that the productive people in society got a break, everyone else does, like single Mom's, and aboriginals.

Let couples income split, that encourages marriage and families. When over 40% of your salary goes to taxes, isn't it time for the real backbone of this country, the middle class, to get some relief?

Friday, November 24, 2006

Alberta Advantage, Morton!

If we Albertans want to keep the Alberta Advantage going, we need to vote for Morton!

I love Klein, he's the only politician who ever got elected by telling Albertans he was going to cut jobs by 20 percent. We elected him, and look where we are now. Debt free, a healthy surplus, and a roaring economy. Yes, those years of 20% reduction in workers were hard, but they gave our children a very bright future. Thank you Ralph!

If we want to keep it that way, do not vote for Dinning. He sat back for years, not even bothering to run as an MP. He sent cheques to Paul Martin, but none to Stephen Harper, how Conservative is this guy? He's a metrosexual stuck in a cowboy/oil province. He belongs in Toronto, with all the other Liberals, not here in Conservative country.

We know that Klein lately has become liberal lite, what did that get us except more actual Liberals elected as MP's, do we really need another liberal lite Premier? NO!

We are always yapping about how Alberta is different because of our hard working population and our individualism. Now is the time to assert it.

We might have a Conservative government federally, but do not let that guide your vote, be aware that Albertans are the targets of the opposition, they are drooling, and plotting as we vote. Carbon tax anyone? Privatizing the oil industry? I have heard those mentioned by various opposition parties. I hope that the federal Conservatives would never impose measures that would hurt Alberta, but they might be out of power in a few months.

So, how do we best protect Alberta's interests? How do we best protect of children's future?

We vote for Morton.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Murder Capital of Canada, Oh Great!

Edmonton is now the murder capital of Canada, isn't that nice!

So, here's how it plays out:

A gang of teens get kicked out of a party, they go get bats, and golf clubs, they switch licence plates on their car, and they go kill a teen.

So, is that premeditated? Did they plan it? Appears not, 3 of the offenders were given sentences of house arrest, for murder. So, what happens, are teens cowering, are they worried about what may happen to them if they too murdered someone?

Nope, read the article above, we get two more teens killed, murdered, slaughtered. Why, no punishment.

Our judges should have to pay for the sentences they dole out. So, the 3 youths who got house arrest, should have to spend their time in the judges houses, living with their sons and daughters and wives.

If that happened, watch how quickly house arrest would disappear from judges little bag of liberal tools.

Next, real time for killers, spent, you guessed it, with our liberal judges.

Why do we have to make laws for minimum sentences for gun crimes, why are the opposition parties stopping those laws?

Liberal thinking, it's killing our kids!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Quit Messing With My Family!

I really wish the feminist SOW's would include all families, not just daycare families in their program. Why do they only support daycare? Could it be the daycare activists protecting their jobs? Do private daycare operators realize that the feminists have just closed their businesses down?

I want to use a nanny, not a daycare. I will work nights to afford it.
I want my Mom/Dad/niece/nephew/neighbour to care for my children when I have to work.

I like having choice, I am sickened by the opposition parties limiting my choice, with my children, I will not be forced to support a national daycare, I HATE the idea. It reminds me of the Germany in WW2, it is social engineering at it's very worse.

Quit messing with my family, I am able to make my own choices for what is best for my children. Lefties tell us to keep out of the bedroom, well they should stay out of my family life! I know what is best for my children, not some MP's I have never met.

DON'T you dare tell me how to raise my children.

Lefties think it's okay to abort babies, but if you don't, they also think it's okay to tell parents how to best raise those babies that weren't aborted. Hypocrites

Quit messing with my family, I do not need any help raising my children, I want to choose what is best for my family, I do not need the opposition parties telling me my children should be in daycare, how would they know what's best for children, they abort them more often then they have them!

I will now undertake to find out how many of the kids, scarce though they might be, the opposition parties actually had in daycare. How many MP's actually use daycare for their own kids? Now that is going to be an interesting quest.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I Am Sick Of Socialists.

I really can not take the whining anymore from everyone wanting more of my tax money, for services I never use!

My tax rate when you include CPP and EI, is over 40%. So, what do I get for giving up 40% of my salary?

Health Care, I pay extra for Blue Cross.
Dental, nope
Daycare, have kids, never used it, never will, I want well adjusted children, not daycare maladjusted bullies.
Housing for the homeless, never been homeless, never plan to be.
Drug injection sites, never did drugs, never plan to. (Okay I have the odd beer, but they are still legal)
Prostitution, very, very, unlikely even in my darkest days would I ever sell my body.
SSM, no, never have thought that's quite right.
Kyoto, send my children's future over to China by buying carbon credits from Power Corp, a definite NO.
SOW's, what the heck do they do for me as a woman? Nothing, they never have, they never will.
EI, okay, I admit in my 32+ years of contributing to EI, I took 4 months off for my first child, and 9 months off for my second.
The Arts, I like going to the museum, so I say keep it, but, lesbian plays at the Banff Centre for Arts, not so much!

Roads, snow cleaning, etc., Guess what those are extra, they don't include my 40%+, those are all paid for by my propery taxes.

Oh so now, I'm paying probably 50% in taxes, did I include GST? Wow, I'm glad Alberta has no PST, I wonder how those people in Ontario make ends meet.

So, what is the federal government doing to support me, the middle income earner? Socialists, are like a cold you can't get rid of, you need to feed them more and more, and they still won't go away. Look at Quebec, their $7 a day daycare is a disaster, people want more EI, they are getting fat and lazy, on my tax dollar, and still they want more programs, more money, without doing anything for it.

Show me why I should be happy to give more than 40% of my salary to everyone but me.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Liberal Media Slap Down, By A Reporter!

You sure don't see this often, are they waking up?


It should have been a good week for the Harper government, with Environment Minister Rona Ambrose talking honestly about the Kyoto accord, and the PM insisting human rights are more important to Canadians than “the almighty dollar.”
You’d think that’s the sort of stuff Canadians want from their government and would strongly support. And maybe they would, if the message wasn’t filtered through dysfunctional media coverage.
That’s a serious charge, and as a reporter and editor for 35 years I take no pleasure in making it. Some of my colleagues will inevitably suggest it shows my own bias, but I’ll let you make up your own mind on that score.

It's refreshing for a respected editor to call out the MSM on their bias. He also calls out some politicians on their hypocritical behaviour:

In a neck-jarring about-face, most media suddenly argued that trade is what really matters in our relations with a country that remains a totalitarian dictatorship. What supreme hypocrisy!
But it’s on par with Liberal environmental critic John Godfrey and the various Canadian environmental lobbyists who spent last week dumping on Ambrose, and then had the cheek to complain she’d used an international meeting for “partisan” purposes after she rather demurely alluded to the failures of “previous governments” to do much of anything on Kyoto.
A fair shake from the media? Only if your definition of fair is a kick in the head.

Thank you, Paul Stanway, I know it must have been hard to do, but it was honest, something that seems to be gaining ground here in Canada!

Our Prime Minister is pulling us up out of the dark, into the light, and finally we are getting a flicker, tiny as it may be, of what great leadership and good governance is really all about! Canada can pull above it's weight, we did it doing all the military conflicts we have fought, we can do it now, when the threat of terrorism is a major problem. We can do it, because we finally have a real leader as Prime Minister, and he has some awesome people helping and watching his back!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Good Dogs!

I love dogs, not only are they loving companions, they are helpful. We have seeing eye dogs, hearing dogs, seizure dogs, service dogs, police dogs, drug sniffing dogs, and bomb dogs. They are heros in my eyes.

Bomb dogs ease workload, widen safety margin for troops in Afghanistan

Handler Susan Flinders tosses Barek a treat after finishing a search of a vehicle entering Kandahar Air Field in Afghanistan, Sunday. (CP PHOTO/Bill Graveland)
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (CP) - Man's best friend? Maybe that should be a soldiers best friend as specially trained 'bomb dogs' are taking on bigger roles in security in this war-torn country.
"We've been using the dogs both here in camp to avoid any explosives getting on to the camp as well as we have them embedded in all of our Canadian companies out in the field," said Maj. Jeff Harvey, provost marshal for the Canadians in Afghanistan.

Now, what other animal is as helpful as those bomb dogs! So, to the 40 bomb dogs in Afghanistan, I salute you!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Common Sense Has Died.

I am in mourning for Common Sense, it was a friend that served me well.

Smoking is legal, but if a bar wants to permit it, nope, not allowed. Tiny minded governments will not allow smoking, even if you own the property. So much for property rights, which we do not had in the charter of rights.

So why is this okay?

The use of medical marijuana has given two Toronto professors the right to something that many students could only dream of -- access to specially ventilated rooms where they can indulge in peace.
The two, at the esteemed University of Toronto and at York University to the north of the city, suffer from chronic medical conditions that some doctors say can be eased by smoking marijuana. They are among nearly 1,500 Canadians who have won the right to use the drug for health reasons.

Common sense was last seen in Newfoundland, near a cliff. We have not seen it since then. I am hopeful that it will reappear, but so far it seems to be in hiding. Since common sense has gone into hiding, we have seen:

1. Kyoto bowed down to as if it is a God. Environmentalists are trying to make us think that CO2, the air we breath out, and what plants need to live, is bad. Not pollution, not CO, carbon monoxide, you know the stuff spewing from your vehicle, nope that doesn't seem to be the problem. No common sense.

2. Income trusts, companies stealing from the taxpayers.

3. SOW's, feminists helping feminists, but not doing anything for women who really need help.

4. Tax cuts, no brainer

5. SSM, well all people deserve to have the freedom to love who they want, just don't call it marriage. Marriage is one man and one woman. What's wrong with calling a gay relationship, a union?

6. Abortion, this is a big one, supporters call it pro-choice, and think partial birth abortions are okay, but don't expect to hear them talk about it. Those nasty, brain crushing, killing a baby pro- choice people can live with themselves, because, well, it's not a baby until they say it is. Have you every felt your baby kick you?

Common sense, come back, we need you!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Kyoto Dies, Carbon Credits Live.

Well you might think I'm prejudiced because I am from Alberta, land of oil, but Kyoto is a fools game. Or should I say a lefties game?

So, if we don't actually reduce GHG's, we should use taxpayers money and buy some carbon credits. Right, let's send our children's future to China, one of the biggest polluters around so that we aren't embarrassed on the international stage.

As the Kyoto Protocol comes into force this month, a carbon rush is gaining steam in the financial industry. Investors predict that the carbon trade could become one of the largest markets in the world with a trading volume of US$60-$250 billion by 2008 and some unlikely actors are gearing up to profit from this new, invisible market. Foremost among them is the World Bank.

Yup, an invisable market being created by none other than the World Bank.

I prefer to be embarrassed.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Media Gone Wild!

The MSM is out in full cry against, yup, you guessed it, the Conservatives. I know you've heard that before, but here are some examples:

Harper uncompromising despite China's snub

Key word, China's snob.............those bad Conservatives are ticking China off. The human rights organizations are coming out in full support of PM Harper's stance on China, or not.

Environment Minister Rona Ambrose tossed in a few jarring shots at her critics on Wednesday as she addressed the annual United Nations climate change conference, with a pledge that her government would achieve better results to fight global warming than its predecessor.

How dare the Conservatives blame the Liberals for 13 years of doing nothing! The opposition parties came to the conference and YELLED about how they loved the Kyoto GOD, but the truth is that the Liberals signed the agreement, and did nothing. The Conservatives came to power, and found out that Canada was over 30% above our Kyoto targets. You can bow down all you want to the Kyoto gods, but when it comes to action, count on the Conservatives, that's what has the media and especially the environmentalists in full cry.

Ask a true environmentalist about the Conservative plan, they can't say anything bad about it because they haven't read it!! If they would, they might like some of the clean air ideas, but don't let solid plans get in the way of your political agenda. Liberals do nothing on the environment, good, Conservatives set real targets, bad.

By the way, look at that picture of Rona, how did they manage to make a beautiful woman look so bad.

Cda. won't appease China on human rights: Harper
Updated Wed. Nov. 15 2006 11:52 PM ET News Staff
Canada won't "sell out" on human rights to promote trade and investment with China, Prime Minister Stephen Harper says

Key words: sell out, appease
Those hard hearted Conservatives, caring about human rights.

I could find more examples of those bad Conservatives (Garth I Love Myself) comes to mind.

But nothing is being said about a horrific crime, a total failure of our justice system. Victims are crying out to be heard, but the opposition are deaf. They are refusing to pass the Conservatives tough crime bills, because.........well it's politics. SHAME on them! The Canadian public is getting spitting mad and they should. Think about losing a child, or having one of them sexually assaulted, is that okay? Could you live with someone walking away after they sexually assaulted your child? I think not.

Outrage at sentences
Family flays duo's punishment for sex crimes

A Winnipeg man was sentenced to seven years in prison and his common-law wife to time served yesterday in a shocking case that has drawn comparisons to Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Judges And Bad Judgements

Is it just me, or are judges behaving especially badly these days?

In the last week we have had these "wonderful" judgements handed down by our judges:

The outrage continues over the sentencing given to three of the boys involved in the beating of 17 year old Shane Rolston. Originally charged with murder, they were allowed to bargain their crime down to assault with a weapon. As you know, they got community service, house arrest, and a curfew. A young man is dead, and they were sent to their rooms.

Family members of victims sexually assaulted by a Winnipeg couple cursed and sobbed in court Tuesday, upset at what they felt were lenient penalties handed down to the husband and wife.
The 25-year-old woman was released after Justice Gerald Jewers gave her a sentence equal to the approximately two years she had already spent in pretrial custody. Her 39-year-old common-law husband was given another seven years behind bars.

Those are only two of many cases where the criminals are walking away, and laughing. This "hug a thug" liberal sentencing has got to stop. What message are the judges sending to our youth? Kill someone and get house arrest. Sexually abuse a youngster, walk out of court. Want to be a swinger, with a 14 year old, perfectly legal.

I am totally disgusted with our judges.

Let them take these wonderful criminals into their own homes whenever they rule in favour of house arrest, see how long it takes for them to stop ordering it.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Kyoto God, Robbing Our Children

We hear all this, global warming, climate change, the sky is falling, leftist wailing, but, what does Kyoto really mean to our future?

We have two options to meet our targets, and not get embarassed (im bare assed)on the world stage.

1. Shut down the oilsands, shut down the auto industry, get all vehicles off the road, and plant more trees.
2. Send taxpayer money to other countries so we can continue to pollute.

Well, it appears that the opposition wants door number 2! So, let's send billions to China so that we don't have to do anything at home. Even if we did that, bought carbon credits, how does that actually reduce green house gasses? Ask the environmental groups how this works, you get the standard, Kyoto is a global agreement, therefore it must be right. Kyoto has become the environmentalists God, they bow down to it, because it is responsible for........, for.........., okay I give up, it 's responsible for them having jobs.

They aren't even pretending that they care about the environment anymore, they have become so political that they can't even say the Liberals did nothing to help our environment. They can't even admit that it was the Liberals that failed everyone in Canada on the environment. What did the Liberals do, they signed us up for Kyoto, with unrealistic targets, and then they did nothing, no bills, no plan.

The Conservatives tell the world that Canada can not meet the Liberal's commitments, because the Liberals did nothing for 13 years, and it's the Conservatives fault? How does that work? It works because the enviroweenies have been lying to everyone about their God, Kyoto.

Now for the truth:

Sending taxpayers dollars, in the form on carbon credits, OUT of Canada, does nothing to reduce pollution or green house gasses, IN Canada. What it does, is make your children, and grand children poorer, because that money can not be used to put them through university, it can not be used to hire more police to protect them, it can not pay for better hospitals when they are sick.

Do not buy into the Kyoto God, he is a false God, that will rob your children of their futures.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Feminist MP's Ignoring Plight Of Women

I see red when our pampered feminist MP's yell about the SOW's being necessary. What a load of horse manure. The SOW's would be relevant if they actually did anything for women, like provide safe houses for abused women. I would be in full support of any organization that helped abused women and kids. How about them standing up for disabled women who have to survive on less than people on welfare.

Instead they are producing such reports as ,"Women and Homework", or the always relevant, "Women's Movements and State Feminism", to just name two useless reports, courtesy of the SOW's, paid for by, you guessed it, the taxpayer.

Now, I have a great project for all those feminist MP's, something they can really get their teeth into, something that they can support 100%, something that will raise the awareness of all Canadians about the plight of women, worldwide.

Over 1400 years ago, Islam demanded that men and women be equal before God, and gave them various rights such the right to inheritance, the right to vote, the right to work, and even choose their own partners in marriage. For centuries now in Afghanistan, women have been denied these rights either by official government decree or by their own husbands, fathers, and brothers. During the rule of the Taliban (1996 - 2001), women were treated worse than in any other time or by any other society. They were forbidden to work, leave the house without a male escort, not allowed to seek medical help from a male doctor, and forced to cover themselves from head to toe, even covering their eyes. Women who were doctors and teachers before, suddenly were forced to be beggars and even prostitutes in order to feed their families.

So, all you feminist SOW supporting MP's, if you really support the status of women, maybe you could help real women in need, instead of writing useless reports? Or is that not radical enough for you ladies? Is the stoning of women not important?

NOPE! Not a peep from them about real issues that impact women. All they can do is yell about how parents can't be trusted to raise their own children without institutionalized daycare. Stay at home Mom's bad, daycare good. Gag me! They want choice in killing their babies, but choice in childcare is not allowed. Do they seriously wonder why we think they are SOWS?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

66,655 Versus 42

It's an unbelievable number, 66,655 Canadians died in the Great War. How could our country have survived those terrible losses? Canada was barely a country, but we sent more young men per capita than any other country in the world.

We did not draft them, they volunteered, many as young as 16, they did our country so proud.

We are now watching more young Canadians fighting, and dying for a cause. Many people say, what cause, why are our troops there? They want our troops to come home, well so do I, but not at the risk of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan again.

Canadians showed today that they really do support our troops, I have hope that Canadians have got their priorities right, that they understand that we must fight terrorists where they live, before they come to where we live.

I sincerely thank all of our veterans from all the wars, for giving me freedom of thought, speech, and action. I can not even begin to fathom the horrors of war, thank you, dear soldiers, you have protected me from that. I can not even think about living with no water, no electricity, could our young people ever survive the hardships that the Afghanistan people go through everyday.

How can we not help these people, especially when they are begging for our help. Fight the good fight Canada!

Friday, November 10, 2006

A Nation Was Born, Thanks To Our Soldiers!

Do they even teach about this in school? I took a poll of my two boys, nope.

The fight to take Vimy Ridge cost Canada dearly, but it would become the cornerstone of the nation's image of its place in the world. In four days, 3,600 Canadian soldiers died, another 5,000 were wounded. But the ridge was taken, much of it in the first day. The valour of the troops, the originality of the plan, the success where larger, more established armies had failed, all contributed to a new nation's pride.
The battle was hailed as the first allied success of the long war, achieved mostly due to the innovation of using a creeping, continuous massive artillery barrage to protect squads of advancing troops. Both sides used the tactic in future battles.

I remember standing before memorials when I was growing up, cold, but proud of my country, Canada. Where has that country gone? Most kids got today off, why I don't know, guess the teacher's contract said so. Why weren't they in school learning about our soldiers and their sacrifices?

Our country was born, on the backs of our soldiers, and their families. In four days we lost 3,600 Canadian soldiers on Vimy Ridge, yet today we whine about our losses in Afghanistan. Our soldiers deserve better from us, they deserve true support, not false words, by false politicians.

So, remember who built our country into what it is today, our soldiers, every single one of them, those who died for us and future generations, those who are still living, those who are still fighting.

The media mocked Laureen Harper for crying at the grave of her relative, when she and PM Harper visited Vimy. Dare they mock all of us true Canadians, who cry for what our country was, the courage, bravery and love of country that allowed all those young men to take Vimy Ridge still lives in many Canadian hearts.

God bless our soldiers who sacrificed so much for our country. Oh Canada!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

They Are Coming For Your SUV!

Yup, the opposition wants the Kyoto targets to be met, today! Not 13 years ago, but today. It doesn't matter that the Liberals did nothing but sign the Kyoto agreement, they allowed our greenhouse gasses to increase by over 30%, not reduce them by 6%.

So, if the opposition gets their way, and they might because it is a minority government, get ready to walk to work! I figured if I leave every morning by 2:30, I can walk to work in time for 9:00. Now think of the savings if you don't have to buy a car! BUZZ BUZZ, oh, right Buzz Hargrove will like that, no cars, no jobs, and have you seen that Belinda's company is going downhill? They saw that the Conservatives were not going to protect the auto industry like the Liberals did, and killed the bill. Buzz is yelling loudly about job losses. Is he really that dense that he doesn't see what enviroweenies want to do to the auto industry? He should be fighting the environmentalists not the Conservatives, but he appears to have been bought by Belinda's daddy.

As a matter of fact, the environmentalists have been silent on the Clean Air Act, why, well, it's a good bill, but their little lefty souls can't say that, it might mean they lose their jobs. Kind of like the SOW's, who did nothing about helping women, but sure liked their big paychecks!

I've got my dog sled ready to go, my greyhound isn't too pleased, but, if we must meet those phoney Kyoto targets, we must. MUSH

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Klein Is Too Funny! Got To Love The Guy!

Okay this has to be one of Klein's best so far!

Ralph, Ralph, Ralph: Will you ever learn?
by Bill Doskoch on Wed 08 Nov 2006 09:15 PM EST
On Tuesday, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein pronounced himself offended that Globe and Mail columnist Jeffrey Simpson implied that Klein was a bozo.

Later that day at a roast, Klein had this to say about Tory turncoat Belinda Stronach:

I wasn't suprised that she crossed over to the Liberals. I don't think she ever did have a Conservative bone in her body.

Well, maybe one

Stronach once dated Peter MacKay, the current foreign affairs minister in the federal Conservative government.

CTV Edmonton reported a few chuckles, but lots of moans and some jeers from the crowd. It further reported that the premier's office said the remark was intended to be light-hearted humour.

The charity event was to benefit the Calgary Homeless Society.

Okay, maybe I needed a laugh today, but dang, that's funny!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Don Cherry Just Gave Us A Majority!

In a hockey country when a hockey icon comes to visit Parliament, you do not boo him!

Bloc and Liberal MP's actually booed Don Cherry. The Liberals protested on a point of order, saying that he should not had been acknowledged in the House! Are they NUTS????

This is bigger than Adscam, this is a total insult to all Canadians! Except maybe the French Canadians, who obviously, can't take any hits into the boards on language rights. SHAME on them!

Don Cherry is a great Canadian, love him or hate him, you never boo him, and not in Parliament! And if booing isn't enough, to protest like the Liberals did that he shouldn't have been recognized, that's just plain disgusting!

Well, Don Cherry gave Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and the troops, a big thumbs up, and quite possibily scored a goal for Conservatives, a majority!

Monday, November 06, 2006

I Am Coming Out...... support of Dr. Ted Morton! First vote is 19 days away, I have my membership card ready to go, never done this before so it should be fun!

Why Morton? Because I can!!

Independent Albertans need a tough guy to keep us on track. I love Klein for his in your face attitude, but not for his liberal ways. It's time to choose a strong leader who will put Albertans first, fight for us with Ottawa, and please can we get someone who will reduce our taxes? I don't want more social programs, unless they raise the money that disabled people are getting, not for people on welfare, in this economic climate, if you can't find work, your not looking very hard.

I know Alberta is booming, but, I only got a 2% increase in my wages this year, my property taxes are going to jump by 6 to 9%, so I don't know who is benefiting but it sure isn't me.

True, born, and bred Albertans need a leader that understands where they are coming from, who will support our farmers, and our industry.

A Morton Government will…

Guide and manage Alberta’s full growth potential with our own pension plan and police force and made-in-Alberta immigration priorities
Defend non-renewable resource revenues from federal raids
Place curbs on harmful judicial activism
Protect freedom of speech and religion via Bill 208 for those who support traditional marriage

I can't argue with any of those points, I like them all, so my vote goes to Morton.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Ran across this quote, and it's so true.

Scholar R.J. White once put it this way:

"To put conservatism in a bottle with a label is like trying to liquefy the atmosphere … The difficulty arises from the nature of the thing. For conservatism is less a political doctrine than a habit of mind, a mode of feeling, a way of living."

It truely is a way of thinking, feeling and living. Liberals are a political party, Conservatives are a way of life! It's in your bones, in your very essence.

My husband gets mad at me because he thinks I just support the Conservatives no matter what they do. That's not it, I support the Conservatives because their policies are right. I actually feel sorry for our Conservative MP's because we are harder on them than we would ever be on liberals. We expect more of our Conservatives.

The liberals talk about their values, they never explain what those values are. Conservatives act on their values, and do not apoligize for making hard choices. Everyone knows what Conservatives stand for, you might not agree with them, but they are clear in their objectives. Work hard. That's what liberals can't understand, we do not change our minds because a poll tells us we should, we do not waffle because someone might not like it.

Principled conservatism, it's in your blood, it's the way you think, it's not a political party, it's just how you feel, right down to your toes!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Why I Wear A Poppy!

Here is a wonderful reminder to all of us why we wear poppies!

I thank all our Veterans for the sacrifices they made so that we can have the freedom that we have today!

I thank all of our soldiers who are fighting and dying for us today, so that Canada can be safe.

Soldier on. Soldier on.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Horse Rescue!

As thinking rational people our hearts get tugged when animals are in danger. I always cry more for the innocent pets that get hurt, then the humans, unless it's kids. I watched Bambi once, and I have never been able to watch Old Yellow. So, this is a great ending to what could have been a very bad outcome.

Notice that it was 4 women that rescued these horses!

People who care about animals, will also care about their kids, and they will care about humanity. We need more of them today.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lie Or Principled Decision?

Now that I've thawed out from Halloween, I can type on my keyboard again.

So, is it a lie or a principled decision?

The Liberal repair didn't completely eliminate the pressure on corporations to bend to the wonky tax system. But now, with Flaherty's move to tax trust payouts directly, Canadian investors will have the best of all worlds.

First, all Canadian businesses are now on the same tax footing. Better still, Canadians now have a dividend tax system that treats dividend income at one rate through to the end. The overall corporate tax rate may be too high, but at least dividends will not be taxed twice.

With this cleaner corporate tax system in place, the Tories are in a position to begin the next phase of tax reform: reduced rates that can be applied simultaneously at the personal and corporate level.

My take, it's a principled decision that had to be taken, even at the risk of losing voters. As we are finding out quickly, the Conservatives are willing to "take a punch", to do the right thing. This was the right thing to do!

Now, why would PM Harper have changed his mind on the income trusts? Well, at the time the party made the policy, the income trust sector was small, with Telus wanting to morph into a trust and many other companies not far behind, income trusts were set to blossom way out of control. So, the Conservatives took a look at the NEW situation, and formed a NEW policy on the matter. So, call it a lie if you want to, I prefer to call it a principled decision taken by a government concerned about ALL Canadians.

So, to you crybabies, yelling, the sky is falling.......... GROW UP!