Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mom's Against the Pinks.

I'm one of the lucky ones, I still have my Mom. To those who don't, I can't imagine how painful it is to lose your Mom. Well, I can, sort of, but it's not something I like to even think about, or imagine.

Now, I wish to address this to the Pink Stinkers, because, they should be glad that their Mom's didn't feel that being "barefoot and pregnant" with them was a bad thing. If they had, an easy abortion would have solved that problem. It would have been their "choice".

We as a society have carried this "choice" too far, and it has to stop. If this "choice" keeps up, no universal daycare program will be needed.

Choice in where I want to live, work and play is a good thing.
Choice in what I want to be when I grow up, is a good thing.
Choice in who I vote for, is a right.
Choice in who I marry, well, I was lucky, after 21 years, I would make that same choice.

Choice to kill a baby, when did that become a right?

God must be looking down in disgust. Not only are we killing babies, we are experimenting on their cells, and we think the Nazi's were bad? This pales in comparison to their crimes, because abortion, in Canada, is not a crime.

Everyone is upset about the Quebecois being declared a nation, they are asking what does a nation mean?

Well, I'm asking you, what does "choice" mean, why isn't anyone asking that question? Why do we buy the feminist bullshit that "It's their choice"? It is never a "choice" to kill a baby, NEVER.

In this day and age, with even a new male contraceptive pill, why are there still abortions? If both the male and female, take those little pills, we should not have any unplanned pregnancies. Also, if I am morally opposed to abortions, why do I have to, as a taxpayer, pay for them? Pay for the killing of your baby all by yourself, don't make ask me to support killing.

Abortion is death. The lefties cry about the 45 soldiers who have been killed in service to this country, and I am truly sorry that they died for us, but not a whisper about the THOUSANDS of babies killed every year, right here in Canada, because having a baby would be "inconvenient", at this time! SICK!

So, all Mom's should email their MP's and tell them why being "barefoot and pregnant" is not a bad thing, like the sicko pinko's want to make us believe. It's a celebration of life.

Warning to all you lefties who love abortion, if you are aborting your children, who wins? Yup, us Conservative women, you know, the ones who are "barefoot and pregnant"?

Mom's were disrespected by those Liberal MP's that used their positions in Parliament to produce that Pink book, disgusting display.

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