Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Don Cherry Just Gave Us A Majority!

In a hockey country when a hockey icon comes to visit Parliament, you do not boo him!

Bloc and Liberal MP's actually booed Don Cherry. The Liberals protested on a point of order, saying that he should not had been acknowledged in the House! Are they NUTS????

This is bigger than Adscam, this is a total insult to all Canadians! Except maybe the French Canadians, who obviously, can't take any hits into the boards on language rights. SHAME on them!

Don Cherry is a great Canadian, love him or hate him, you never boo him, and not in Parliament! And if booing isn't enough, to protest like the Liberals did that he shouldn't have been recognized, that's just plain disgusting!

Well, Don Cherry gave Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and the troops, a big thumbs up, and quite possibily scored a goal for Conservatives, a majority!

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