Sunday, November 26, 2006

Income Splitting, I Love It!!!

Better than the next GST cut, this is a real middle class cut that is overdue. It is a huge vote getter, that's why the opposition will get hysterical about it being "social engineering". So, I looked at how it would help my family, and sure enough, all of us will gain from income splitting.

My family:

Mom has no pension, Dad has a good one, they are now able to split their income and save at least $2,000 a year.

Sister doesn't work, husband can now split income with her, they would save thousands.

Brother, wife works but is in a lower income bracket, income splitting will save them hundreds a year.

I make more than my husband, we will save in the $1,000-2,000 dollar range.

So, everyone in my family wins with income splitting.

Now to those who will say, but in won't help the poorest of them all, the single Mom's. Well, maybe not, but they don't pay taxes, and they get lots of subsidies, for example daycare, they pay $80 a month. Don't expect to hear about that in the MSM. Also, they get child benefits, I don't, because as a family, we make too much. Fair enough, I don't want money because I had children, they are my responsibility.

How come they can take my family income into account when it comes to child benefits, but not when it comes to income taxes? Example, we had a nanny, we could claim child care expenses, but only for the lowest earner, so every year, we could only claim a portion of those expenses.

So, let's make daycare free for all single Mom's who are enrolled in post secondary education, that's a win-win. That's how you help single Mom's, not by giving them more money, but by giving them a chance to raise themselves above poverty. I will never forget hearing two welfare Mom's talking about a course they were supposed to be taking, they were insulted that they would be expected to get out of bed, and make it to class by 9:00am, it cut into their evening drinking time!

It's about time that the productive people in society got a break, everyone else does, like single Mom's, and aboriginals.

Let couples income split, that encourages marriage and families. When over 40% of your salary goes to taxes, isn't it time for the real backbone of this country, the middle class, to get some relief?