Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ban Common-Law Relationships, Not Guns!

Okay, those sneaky Conservatives have quietly extended the long gun registry deadline! I'm SHOCKED!!! I never would have guessed that this would happen.

Families of victims of gun crime, who support the long gun registry, are calling the amended order a bad move that will make the registry two years out of date -- and essentially useless to police.
"It think that it's totally and absolutely ridiculous," Audette Sheppard, a gun control advocate whose son Justin was shot to death in Toronto in 2001, told CTV News.

And was he shot to death with a rifle/shotgun? Just asking.

Well, let's look at some statistics from where else, Statistics Canada

If you look at the graph, you will see that gun crimes started to rise around 1998, and have been on the increase ever since. Most importantly, it's handguns that are creating that increase. Handguns have always had to be registered, going back way beyond 1975. Yet crimes using handguns are increasing. Guess that handgun registry is working. Rifles/shotguns, decreased way before any long gun registry, from 1975 to now, some blips have occured, but it definitely shows that rifles/shotguns are not the problem.

People living in common-law relationships were more at risk from their partner than those living in legal marriages. In 2005, the homicide rate of people living in common-law relationships was nearly five times higher than for those living in legal marriages.

Forget banning guns, if we are going to ban anything, I suggest that we ban common-law relationships, as they are 5 times more deadly than being married.

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