Friday, April 27, 2007

Where's Waldo, Oops, I Mean Where's Dion?

So, the Conservatives come out with their green plan, and where's Dion? Did he wave a white flag and retreat to France? Is he hiding out in Quebec? Has Kyoto taken him sledding in the melting Arctic? Where's Dion?

Oh, okay, who really cares.

Funny how quiet it has been in the media since EcoAction has been released. Sure we have all the econut's like Suzuki ranting and raving, but seems like the media is downplaying this announcement. Are they getting their ammo (oops, they don't like guns) ready?

I know that I was relieved that we would not be sending our hard earned tax dollars to Russia, guess even the media feels the hype over global warming has gotten out of control. Maybe their corporations have clued into the fact that they too will have to comply. Imagine how much energy is wasted by those high powered TV cameras and lighting studios.

It's also funny how two lawyer's file a complaint about detainees in Afghanistan, and a newspaper just happens to run an article, at the same time, about finding 30 out of 40 Canadian detainees that all claim they were tortured.

Something smells very fishy here. Where is the reporter that filed the story, why isn't he on all the TV stations telling us about what proof he has of torture? Why aren't we seeing this proof? Why are we not seeing any evidence? The Globe and Mail better step up soon with verification of that story, or face lawsuits from our troops Mom's. My advice, never tick off a Military Mom.

If the Liberals hatched this whole thing with the help of the media, it needs to be exposed.

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