Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sleep With A Dog, You Get Fleas!

Okay, the Dion-May pact is still a head scratcher. I don't think it's a win-win for anyone, except maybe the Conservatives.

Now, that Dion has made this pact, he has to understand that he will be tarred with not only loony Liberal candidates, but also loony Green candidates.

We bring up Mr. Potvin not because we believe Mr. Dion personally shares any of his notions about 9/11, but because Mr. Dion has painted himself into a corner while he waits for the official reaction to them from the Greens' leader. How will his lovey-dovey rhetorical cuddling with Ms. May look to voters if she decides that Mr. Potvin deserves to run as a Green candidate and that his "bold," "alternative" ideas, true or not, are exactly what Canada needs to hear? Go ahead, Stephane -- lie down with losers; and just watch how long it takes you to wash the stink off.

See my Thursday posting for more on Potvin. Now, I hear May has booted the guy, but those writing of his date back years, didn't anyone in the Green party check this nut out, or is May too busy making backroom deals with Dion to really care about the Green party? Does she really even care about the Green party at all, or is she just out to make a name for herself?

Well, Mutt and Jeff, seem to be quite the pair, two incompetent leaders of failing parties, holding hands and skipping down the yellow brick road, or should I say, driving their smart car right into the brick wall.

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