Sunday, January 06, 2008

Getting The Female Vote.

Conservatives need women's vote for majority.

OTTAWA - Two years ago, political pundits wouldn't have given Prime Minister Stephen Harper much chance of winning over Ariette Schoorl.

The 61-year-old, who considers herself left wing, was initially put off by Harper's "cold" personality.

But even though she doesn't always agree with the Harper government's policies, especially on the environment, she has come to admire the prime minister's poise.

"He stays cool, he stays under control and I appreciate that in the guy," she said. "He can't help it that he's a conservative."

If they hope to win a majority in the next federal election, Harper's Conservatives will need to discover more women like Schoorl.

Women tend to be Conservative, but are more likely to vote for lefty parties. My Mom is a perfect example, everything about her screams Conservative, she votes Liberal. I was actually shocked a few years ago when I found that out. So, how do the Conservatives get the female vote?

I told my MP that he will have my vote again, if they get the age of consent raised from 14 to 16. This bill is now in the Senate, and if it doesn't pass, it's the Liberals I will blame.

The bill on murder charges for babies still in the womb, is also one I support.

Getting tough on crime also works for me. I don't want to worry about my kids going to a house party, and ending up beaten up by juveniles.

Changes are also needed to the Youth Justice Act, it is too lenient, especially on murderers.

These are all things that will win my vote, but I'm already a Conservative.

What will win a female Liberal or NDP voter over to the Conservatives? Lefties use emotions to win votes, and they are trying their hardest to make PM Harper into a "bully". Personally, I find him very attractive, decisive, and from what the media lets us see, very family orientated.

Conservatives are used to using facts and logic, how do they appeal to the emotions of women, without implementing programs that appeal to some females, like a national daycare program, that totally goes against every Conservative/female bone in my body?


Joanne (True Blue) said...

Conservatives are used to using facts and logic, how do they appeal to the emotions of women

Let's see now. I am a woman and I vote Conservative, as do my sisters, mother and daughter.

I think this is a big propaganda scam put out by the Liberals.

Anonymous said...

I know Harper said he wouldn't lower any more taxes, but how about income splitting?

hunter said...

I agree joanne, as Conservative women, we get it. Why don't other women? Where has the pioneering spirit of women gone? Think about what those women went through, now they yell about getting someone else to look after their own children. (I'm going to have to blog about this tomorrow)

canada goose, I would love to see income splitting, but from what I hear, the civil servants are fighting the finance Minister tooth and nail about this. Email your MP and state in strong terms that you want income splitting.

Anonymous said...

People that vote liberal want handouts or think that the liberals are their friends. They should realize that their buddy Trudeau was going to meetings talking about global population reduction and laughing about all the useless eaters in the world. (real conservative)

Anonymous said...

I hate to make sweeping generalizations but I have to here:
-the women in my family living in the Big Smoke are anti-Harper avid TO Star readers( and still blame Harris for Toronto's problems)
-the women I work with are not interested in politics but are anti-Harper because they read TO Star and listen to CBC.

My initial interest in politics came as a SAHM noticing how politicians(Con and Lib) catered to feminists, and ignored families. I have watched very closely as Harper and co. have turned that around.
It may take more effort on our part. During the last election I continually said Harper will be trustworthy, but the burnt out electorate was very skeptical. Now they have to recognise that he is different.
I agree with Joanne. Scam artists are working overtime with the co-operation of the media.