Saturday, January 05, 2008

Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Never played the game, but my boys just told me that paper wins when it covers rock.
Lately various papers have been phoning me, to get me to subscribe. I feel sorry for the telemarketers who call my house.

Edmonton Journal, every time they phone I tell them, no, I don't like the papers slant, thank you. Most say thanks, and that's the end of it.

Recently, I got a call from a telemarketer trying to get me to subscribe to the Globe and Mail. Well, it was a Friday, so a glass of wine or two is allowed, my Dad's homemade Kelowna Red! I was, well, happy, and in a no BS mood.

I told the guy, "I would never allow that "rag" into my house". Thought he would hang up on me, but he persisted. He must have been told that Albertans are going to be rude. He came right back at me, and asked if I hadn't noticed the MORE balanced views the paper had been printing lately. The Globe and Mail balanced?? I laughed and asked him if he had gone online and read the Globes' comment section, lately.

He laughed, (I think he was a Conservative)and that was the end of our discussion. No subscription sold here.

Point, newspapers are suffering because of the internet. How can they survive? Stop pretending to report the news, and just run classifieds. That's a paper I would buy.

No papers are covering this rock!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the same person has been trying to foist his papers onto me. The Globe and Mail is the paper of choice for lefty smart asses who think they are entitled to have the last word on topics they know nothing about. The number of progressives who have space in the editorial + letters section makes my blood boil.

I find something to hate every time I am exposed to The Toronto Star or its affiliates, such as the Metroland papers, which are often free but refused.

If a paper wants to know why you are refusing a subscription, have a lits of their sins at hand - mine includes: giving publicity to irrational people (e.g. who leave gifts at the graves of dead family members and wonder why they get stolen; a crazy and ugly old woman who still protests the amalgamation of her borough of East York into Toronto), not holding back on publishing graphic details about deaths and funerals (think stalking funeral homes and snapping close-ups of people crying their eyes out), and finally - promoting the vegetarian lifestyle!

Newspapers should start reporting news and not try to be a neurotic social worker.