Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Day At City Hall!

Okay, it was only a few hours, but it felt like the whole day. Why was I at city hall? I will try not to bore you too much.

A neighbour sold their house, new people moved into our quiet residential neighbourhood, that has two elementary schools at the end of our street, they promptly got a city permit to run a "major" concrete and landscaping business, out of their house. They had barely moved in when they started to park, a big honking truck, with a big honking trailer, with a big honking bobcat on it, in front of their house. This in the winter, when landscaping is hard to do. Imagine what equipment they will parking (legally) out front in the summer.

We protested the permit, we lost.

Why? They hadn't parked the bobcat on their actual property, they had it on city property, so that was okay. How would the committee like an eyesore parked outside their houses?

One good thing, we now have the defendent on record saying they won't park their big honking trailer and bobcat in front of their house anymore. If they do...well, we will park our vehicles right in front, and in back, of the big honking truck, trailer, and bobcat, so that they can't get it out to take it work. It's perfectly legal for us to do so, too bad we will all be at work. I know, I know, it's petty, but how would you like a 30 foot rig parked outside your window for scenery?

Sorry, had to spew!

The city is also contemplating allowing basement suites in our area, but won't even think of allowing it in new subdivisions. So older (40 years HA) parts of the city are fair game for new "major" businesses and rental/basement suites, but don't you even think about disturbing new sub-divisions, even though they have to bus their kids into our area for school.

Did I mention that our city councillors are ALL lefties?


Anonymous said...

Does the City of Edmonton(I assume) not have a bylaw prohibiting the parking of commercial vehicles such as you describe in a residential neighbourhood? Or a bylaw regarding the length of any vehicle/trailer parked on a residential street.

Even our little, teeny, tiny town has a bylaw against that - and we have enforced it for situations EXACTLY as you describe.

I would not give up.

Anonymous said...

It just goes to show you how extremely different the rules can be from place to place. Where I'm from, you can't park anything on any town street (small car or large commrecial truck) for more than 3 hours without getting a ticket.