Sunday, September 24, 2006

Belinda, The Ultimate Feminist!!

Just last week Belinda stood up in the House and told us all that REAL women were anti-choice and did not deserve to be funded by SOW's.

Typical feminist intolerance. If you don't agree with their position, you are not a REAL female!

Now, it appears that Belinda is showing how far feminists will go to support choice. She has been named in a divorce action. Clearly, she believes that SSM marriage is okay because marriage, well, it just really means nothing to her! Her's or anyone else's. So, if her values, or lack thereof, are Liberal values, she really is in the right party now!

Feminists are all about "ME", not about families, or family values. Belinda is the ultimate feminist, "ME" first, my kids second. I pity her kids. What a role model she is for our children, especially our young girls! It's clear that SOW's support feminists, not families!!

It's time for families and Mom's to matter!!


MissHailey said...

Belinda is a sad example.

Anonymous said...

Good post! Agree. 100%.