Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Why Feminists Screwed Up Women's Management Chances

Way back when feminists still had a cause, they wanted more women in upper management, I agreed! Problem was that companies were forced by the feminists to promote women that were not suited to upper management. They promoted women who had been secretaries into management jobs. This would have worked if they had trained the women first, but nope, they didn't. Many of those women were fired and companies still use them as an excuse to not promote anymore females. So, the feminists set the female cause BACK, not forward by pushing promotion.

I remember sitting in my classes, 300 males, 17 females, and it wasn't the males that were unfriendly, it was the other 16 females!

Now, my program is 50/50, thanks not so much to the feminists, but to the females that stuck it out, won their degrees and showed other females it was possible!

Did the feminists ever help me? NO. Did I want their help? NO. I still can't stand bleating!! I remember all those useless classes I took on the sociology of women! This was back in the 70's, but the feminists still have not learned, females are different from males, and most of us actually like it!!!!

So, time for all women to stop buying into this, women are weak, unfortunate, creatures that need help in surviving. If the feminists really believed that, they would be over in Afghanistan.

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