Thursday, September 07, 2006

PM Harper Says "Make My Day" to Senate

I loved it, PM Harper very nicely told the Senate that they either passed the bill, or faced a public that thinks the gravy train of useless Senators should end!!

Liberal Senator Jim Munson questioned Harper about the possibility that he would "fight an election on the backs of the Senate."

"Well, don't give me the opportunity," Harper replied. He said there would be political consequences if Canadians become convinced that any kind of Senate reform became impossible.

Munson said Harper sounded like Pierre Trudeau when the former prime minister uttered the line: "Just watch me," in regards to dealing with the FLQ during the October Crisis.

Munson also questioned if Harper's proposals would lead to the "Americanization" of the Senate, which is elected in the United States.

"I don't think the Americans have particular monopoly on democracy," Harper said.

Munson, now red faced, and an ex-journalist looked like the fool, not PM Harper!

Hey, Munson, PM Harper just told you to "make his day" and you were to dense to understand that!

Then this guy tries to look better by going in front of the news reporters and make it an Afghanstan issue?? So much for the chamber of sober second thought!! They are neither sober nor can they think for a second! Most of them have that old person smell. My dog smells better!

If they won't even support a small little step like limiting their stay in the Senate for 8 years, they should face the public next election, most of us want them gone anyways, I would love to vote them off the island!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEY dont link us old people with the smell of the Senate.They need to go for sure,but most old people i know dont smell like them..Maybe you could say they have that Liberal?Ndp smell