Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Most Powerful Of All Women, MOM

I was going to blog about U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visiting Atlantic Canada, it was a feather in Canada's cap that she spent 2 days here. As a female, my relationship antenna are twitching, BIG step up from Belinda IF there is anything going on. If Condoleeza Rice just needed a break, then Altantic Canada was a great place for her to go.

While searching for MSM reports on her visit, I came across this very biased example of what life under the Liberal rule used to be like. Was it only a few months ago?

Anyways, I was going to blog about how Condoleezza Rice is the most powerful woman right now, then my kids came to hug me good night, and I realized, that no, she's important as the Secretary of State, but, it's MOM's that are the leader's in this world!

Mom's shape the next generation, they establish the values and morals of their family, they keep families together, even if the father's have left. Mom's are the most powerful women we have, they are the backbone of society. ALL Mom's, not just some like the SOW's think.

That's why the feminist SOW's are so very wrong, they are not for families. They are against REAL women and for Egale, what's wrong with that picture? They support daycares, but not stay at home Mom's. We need both, what we don't need is a taxpayer funded department that ignores some MOM's.

The day of the feminist is over, it is now the day of the MOM's!!

Get used to it you SOW's!!

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