Saturday, December 08, 2007

HO, HO, HOLD The Cheque!

First on my naughty list is Oxfam. Yes, I know they do great work worldwide, I have contributed money to their cause, but not this year, this year, I'm giving to a more worthy charity. Why?

Awareness and concern about the climate is rising fast, and we’re determined to harness this energy and turn public pressure into real political action.

In December 2007, the UN Climate Change Conference takes place in Bali. There, politicians will discuss how to combat climate change on a global level.

It’s a vital opportunity, and Oxfam will be there, demanding a new climate deal, which promises to:

Keep global warming at less than 2°C, reduce carbon emissions and put the needs of the poorest countries first
Give developing countries the majority of the money and resources they need to adapt to climate change

Let's keep the pressure up to make sure it happens!

So, it's political now, this organization is not about helping people in poor countries anymore. It's a clear money grab by all charitable organizations now. I am sick of it!

My money this Christmas, is going to "Dogs with Wings" used to be Western Guide Dog, a non-profit organization that trains service dogs for the disabled. 100% of donations go towards training the dogs, they help the blind, deaf, handicapped and they are so busy, they have no time to be activists for global warming. Okay I admit, I've been a foster Mom to two of their dogs:



Both nuts, both loved, both helping a handicapped person live a better life! Dog with Wings, number 3 is coming to us in January. We can't wait! (So ends my shameless plug for a very worthy charity.)


JR said...

Oxfam an AGW political shill. Wonderful.

It's getting harder to find charities that don't go off on some weird tangent or other. One of my own favs over the years has been the Sally Anne. Last year they got my dander up when they started lumping military families into the "poor" they were handing out Christmas goodies to. You had to wonder whether they had too much money in their coffers.

hunter said...

I agree, charities seem to be forgeting what their missions are supposed to be, like helping the disabled.

Sally Anne, really? Maybe they should be my next "ho ho hold the cash" target. Or maybe UNICEF, they have gone off the rails too.

Dang, so many targets, so few real charities that deserve our money. I could pick a non-profit organization a day, and still be doing this next year.