Monday, December 03, 2007

Tribunals Or Witch Hunts?

A shiver runs down my spine every time I hear the word "tribunal". It conjures up the days of the witch hunts. One person can force you into a kangaroo court, no actual evidence needs to be presented, and a "tribunal" can sentence you.

Oh, not a "real" sentence, but one that stays with you throughout your life. These mock judges can ruin your life, get you fired, and get you labelled as a "hater".
Now, you the accused, must spend money to hire a lawyer for advise, and you can be fined if found "guilty". The person who accuses you, pays no money to bring their case forward and needs only hurt feelings to get a hearing.

What a powerful job that must be. Think of it, you have the power of a judge, without the responsibility of following the law. You can judge, without the person having a lawyer. You are a GOD, able to make decisions, not based on fact, but based on opinion.

We think we have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, but we don't, not when anyone who gets ticked off at you can bring you in front of a "tribunal". These Human Rights Tribunals, must go the same way as the Court Challenges Program.

If you are so sure that you have been wronged, take your case to a real court, not a kangaroo court.

Oh, what got me started on this?

CALGARY - An Alberta man who has pressed for five years to get an anti-gay letter branded as hate literature won a victory Friday with a human rights commission ruling that said it broke provincial law and may even have played a role in the beating of a gay teenager.

Five years, he goes after a guy, for a letter, not even against him, you think the guy has an agenda? Do you see how these "tribunals" are being used by petty people to pursue their own agendas?

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