Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Not With A Bang, But With A Fizzle.

Can we now move on from Schreiber? Are we done? Or are the Liberals so desperate that they drag this thing on?

Most interesting were the comments posted, until they shut it down on CTV.

All I have to say is wow. The only scandal it seems right now is a Lieberal scam on the Canadian people. If Mulroney did not take kickback money from the whole Airbus affair, then I think the whole case is closed. The settlement that Mulroney was awarded should stand since the investigation was to see if Mulroney received money or kickbacks from the Airbus deal which it seems he did not. ....


I agree, don't we have more pressing issues for these people to deal with !!


Carly Rossini
Enough is enough. It's time to end this charade.

Okay, can we move on now? How about talking about those new low energy bulbs that contain mercury? Isn't mercury a pollutant, while CO2 isn't? Have I missed something here?

Bang, nope, fizzle yup, kind of like when a guy brags about........Oh, that's for another day.

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