What really made my day was that initially we were going to go whale watching out of Victoria, but the price was actually cheaper to go salmon fishing, and we just hoped that we might see some whales. Did we get our money's worth that day. We had already caught the big fish, when the whale watching boats showed up, passed us then stopped. Our captain, Ron from 2 Reel out of Sooke BC, told us we probably wouldn't catch anymore salmon if whales were in the area, but we keep fishing and moving towards the whale watching boats. Then the whales appeared very close to shore. What a sight! Notice that the whales are between us and the shore. At around 44 seconds you can see the whale watching boats way far out. By law they can not get close to the whales, but because we were fishing the same rules did not apply. HA!!! Watch the video, taken by my youngest son to see how close we got to them!
Words can not describe the experience. My advice, go salmon fishing, and if you are lucky you will see some whales too!
More later, the 10 hour return trip home from Kelowna has me longing for sleep!
Welcome home! Now get in that garden and pull some weeds!
Welcome home. Just in time for Klondike days.
"By law they can not get close to the whales, but because we were fishing the same rules did not apply. HA!!! Watch the video, taken by my youngest son to see how close we got to them!"
I guess it never occurred to you that when you stopped fishing and drove the boat close to the whales so you could see them better you became a whale watcher. Great approach to "the rules", very illustrative.
I'm sure Captain Ron from 2 Reel out of Sooke appreciates the exposure you've given him and his company driving suburbanites into packs of whales.
Wrong mystereeoso, the whales came to us and we continued fishing, we actually caught one about 20 seconds later, that's why the filming stopped.
Eskimo, you need any dill? It's twice as big as when we left.
MaryT, we have given up on CapitalEX aka Klondike Days, it is just a money grab without a theme. At least Klondike Days was about the past and could be used as a learning tool.
So which is it, "see how close we got to them" or "the whales came to us"?
Mystee: rules are for other people! HA!
I could have bet money that the two sissies would show up with something to pi$$ and moan about Hunter's trip.
I LOVE dill, Hunter! Being Ukrainian, it's in my DNA!
Fresh dill, small potatoes and cream! Droooool!
So is the dill U-pick, or will you bag it for me? heh heh!
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