Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Spirit Or Just Genuine Caring?

My boys made me proud today, they showed me they understand what the Christmas spirit is really all about, for all people.

I picked my boys up from school today and we headed to Tim Horton's so they could buy their teachers Christmas presents. I had preset the gift limit at $15 each. They were more interested in getting a donut as an after school snack as they were "starved". I have found that growing boys think with their stomachs, bless them, and thank God for my garden in the summer.

As I got out of the car at Tim Horton's, an old man standing near the door said something I couldn't hear, so I got closer and he was asking me for money for food. I dug around in my purse for awhile, but didn't have enough to give him, so I told him I would be back. He said sure as it was a nice day today.

When we got into Tim's my boys asked my what the old guy had wanted. I explained that he had asked me for money for food. I guess their "starved" stomachs told them that they really weren't so hungry, because they picked the cheapest gift each (sorry teachers) and then said they would prefer for the rest of the money to go to the old guy outside.

This was the first time they had ever been that close to a homeless person, and their compassion was instant. Christmas spirit, or just genuine caring? I'm hoping it's genuine caring, year round, and for life.

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