Friday, December 01, 2006

Why Do Only Lefties Protest?

It amazes me that lefties have so much time on their hands that they can protest at the drop of a hat.

Mexico, lefties protesting that they didn't win!
Lebanon, lefties protesting that they don't like their government.
Canada, lefties produce a pink book, protesting against women.

Muslims, well, they just protest anything, anytime, anywhere, YAWN.

SOW's, they bring daycare kids to protest on Parliament Hill, shouldn't those kids be in a safe, caring, loving, environment? That sure isn't Parliament Hill last time I watched Question Period!!

When is the last time you can think of when righties protested? Anything? I have been trying to think of the last time, maybe they do protest, we just don't see it on the MSM, as it's not news when righties protest something.

Now, I do remember the Red Friday rally on Parliament Hill, but that wasn't a protest, it was a celebration of our troops.

Maybe if lefties got real jobs, you know, ones that really helped women, or the disabled, they wouldn't have time to protest.

Get a real job!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Righties don't need to go about whining and yelling like sore, immature babies. We protest through our vote, the vote that the crazy radicals on the left seem to want to abolish with their strong support for the Taliban and other terrorists.

When Righties do take to the streets to protest (when they do), usually, they do so in a classy, calm, collected manner. One example of this is in California. There was a pro-life March involving over 10 000 people. They walked through the streets close together, not saying a word, but speaking through their silence. The about 500 pro-"choice" protestors, on the other hand, resorted to throwing items, screaming obscenities, blocking the road with signs, and other uncivilized measures.

In my opinion, maybe if lefties got a real job and worked hard like the rest of us, they wouldn't have to rely on fruit basket social programs they champion so much!!