Thursday, December 28, 2006

What A Year It Has Been!!

We are climbing out of the dark into the Conservative light, and even some Liberals are liking it!!

Well except maybe Robert Fife at CTV. I thought PM Harper did a great job of being positive without making the opposition look like the cry babies they really are, so, good interview, very strong message by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Now, I know that CBC did an interview with our PM, but, can't find it anywhere on their website. Has it not aired yet? I was busy with Christmas, so I either missed it, or it is yet to come, not sure which, but in any event, CBC's website sucks big time.

How do I know that some Liberals are liking what the Conservatives are doing? Well, it's a small sample, but my VERY Liberal parents are going to vote Conservative next election, why, they thought that Catholic Cretien and Martin would stop SSM and put something in place to stop abortion, that's why they voted for them, only to be very disappointed. They love income splitting, and they like the fact that Day has booted some questionable characters out of the country. Most importantly, they do not like the idea of billions of Canadian dollars leaving Canada to help China with building factories, all in the name of the god called Kyoto. They might be in their 80's, but they realize how stupid that would be for their grandchildren.

So, 2 Liberals, will now vote Conservative, that's 2 more than we had last time, how many more are going our way?

All in all, Conservatives had a great year, and I am very proud of our Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his cabinet Ministers and MP's. Keep up the good work!!

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