Sunday, December 31, 2006

My New Year's Resolution....

get more active to help stop abortions.

Suzanne has posted a very nice video on YouTube, no dismembered baby parts.

Why do we as a society allow this to happen? I have heard all the lefties arguements on this issue. So, let's look at the two main arguements:

1. It's a women's choice, take that away and we will be back to the back street abortions of old, with women dying.

Okay let's look at those bad old days. Society frowned on young unmarried girls who got pregnant, yet most opted to have their babies and were better for it. Society now finds nothing wrong with unwed Mothers, it was the unwed Mothers who changed societies opinion, not the women who killed their babies by having an abortion. You see, noone knew that those girls had killed their babies, but they did see the unwed Mothers with their children. It is the courageous unwed Mothers that we should be applauding, not the women who killed their babies because they were afraid of what society might say about them. Feminists can't see that, they think they are the ones that changed things, they did not.

Today, we have something that the women back then didn't have, it's called birth control. Why do 100,000 babies still need to be killed in Canada in this day and age? Stop funding abortions, watch the numbers decrease.

2. A women who is raped should be able to have an abortion.

Okay, let's look at that oft used feminist point. How many women are raped in Canada in a year? Looking at some StatsCan numbers, sexual assaults are 70 in 100,000. Of those how many would actually get pregnant?? That's the number noone mentions. So, let's say 700 women who get raped, also get pregnant, that sure doesn't add up to the 100,000 babies killed in Canada.

Let's just face the facts, people who believe abortions are okay, are immoral, and they want the rest of us to be dragged down to their level. It's funny how when a feminist wants to be pregnant, they call it a baby, when they don't it's a blob or fetus. Also, forget about the rights of the father, they do not exist.

We need to stop funding abortions. Why should I as a taxpayer be forced to pay for the killing of babies?

It's funny, the lefties are yelling about the hanging of a butcher like Saddam, saying he didn't have a fair trial, but it's okay by them to murder innocent babies.

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