Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This Isn't Going To Loosen My Wallet.

I understand that some First Nations People are truly having problems. The Indian Act is clearly NOT working. It never works when you give different rights and privileges to any group.

Protest if you want to get your issue heard, but when a Minister has the courage to come out and try to talk to you, booing them, is just disrespectful. You should be ashamed of yourselves. From what I understand of your culture, respect is very important. If you give none, you will get none.

It sure doesn't make me think I should loosen my wallet anymore than I already have to help. Show some respect to the people who pay billions to your nations, we might listen harder, and you might gain some respect from us for your cause. By booing our elected representatives, you are booing all Canadians.

Show NO respect for the Minister that is trying to help you, than you will get no respect, and our hearts will be hardened to your cause. Listen to your elders, you will not be led astray. Listen to a politically motivated leader that lives better than any of you can hope to, your cause is lost.

My grandfather used to say that you could achieve more by getting the community together to build the barn, that still holds true today. Booing just divides the community.

What would your ancestors think about your behaviour lately?

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