Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Beautiful Day For All Mothers

Happy Mother's Day to all women who have experienced the pure joy of being pregnant and giving birth to their baby. Sorry guys, it's something you can participate in, but never really experience in the same way as a female. Thank goodness, because my husband thinks he's dying everytime he gets a cold, I would hate to have to put up with 9 months of snivelling if he was pregnant, and childbirth would be unbearable. Okay, okay, enough male bashing.

Every women's experience is different, I sailed through both pregnancy and the actual birth, other's have horror stories about long labour and morning sickness. The final result is the same though, no matter what, a beautiful child.

I am so blessed to have two wonderful children. My life would be very empty without them. I was one of those career ladies (NEVER a feminist)who never wanted children, boy am I glad that I grew up, changed my mind, and now can enjoy the special gift that children really are to a marriage.

So, to all the Mom's out there, Happy Mother's Day, may you feel the true power of what it means to be a Mother, may you always put your children first, and may you experience to the fullest your children's love, on this very special day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being a father, I can only say that it was all my fault;-) Congratulations and may you have a beautiful, wonderful day!