Monday, May 21, 2007

MY Body, MY Right!

Okay, feminists are always saying, if you are a male you have no right to tell me what I can do with my body. Ladies, do you understand that males are necessary if you want to become pregnant? Before all you feminists bash me for my comments, I just happen to be female, so, come one, take me on, you can't use the old, well you are a male so you wouldn't know how I feel line, it doesn't work with me.

The, it's my body, my right, also doesn't work with me, it's plainly just a very stupid statement. So, my body, my right; to cut off an arm if I want to? It's not medically necessary, same as abortion, but, heck, it's my body and if I want to get rid of an arm, I should be able to do so, and no law should stop me. What about that binding the feet thingy from way back, if I want to, I should be able to. What about the getting rid of some private parts that give me pleasure, it's not mutilation if I want it. Do you see how stupid the, my body, my right, my choice, agrument really is, how can you justify abortion, but want laws to stop female genital mutilation. It's okay to kill babies, but wearing a burka is a violation of my rights?

I thought feminists were the smart females in the herd, you know, those that go to university, have careers, do not let men dictate to them, are for equal pay, and protect women's right to kill their babies. Ladies, if you are the smart ones in the herd, why don't you know about the birth control pill, the morning after pill and condoms? Back in the 40's and 50's these did not exist, so we had a high rate of unwanted pregnancies and back street abortions, but that point is moot now, even if a young teen gets pregnant now, it's not looked down on as a BAD thing anymore.

Abortion is killing a baby, plain an simple, and there is no moral reason to do it, not in our present society. My body, my right, my choice, is as outdated as feminists, it's also totally selfish.

As a person, it's my body, but NEVER my right to kill a baby.

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